Chapter 38

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After that night with Minho in the park, I didn't get back to the house until around 3 or 4 in the morning. We usually go on our heists at around 12 or 1 at night, leaving me no time to really sleep after everything.

When I got home, everyone was asleep, but I found a little note on my bed:

I tried my best, hyung. Channie went around to our rooms to check on us or something, and asked why you weren't here. I told him you went out for a mid-night snack, but he didn't seem convinced.

I said I'll try to help you as much as I can, but I don't know how long we can keep this up.


BTW: Chan said we're gonna be busy this week, so be careful with your friend, hyung.

After reading Jeongin's note I started to think of ways to keep this 'friend-ship' or whatever we have going on safe.

That night we didn't talk much or do much, compared to the night at the party. Instead we just sat together, looking out to the river and sky for a while. Eventually, Minho had to go back to his group and I needed to come back home before Chan noticed I was gone.

I would like to spend time with Minho every night like we did at the park, but we can't for obvious reasons. Which is stupid!

I know Minho isn't a bad person. If he was he would have tried to hurt me by now, and he's had plenty of opportunities when we were alone. I know he's a good person, besides what we do for a living, but why am I so scared of telling my team?

I've known Minho for a while now, about 2 months. Through that time I've gotten to know him more than I have to anyone else, besides my team. And now, things seem to be moving forward beyond a friendship.

Am I ready for that? No. But I'm going to try. The idea of being more than friends sounds nice, and even unreal.

These thoughts carry over into the next morning when I wake up. As I lay in bed, not wanting to get up, the smell of bacon is the only reason I have to get going.

Once I'm changed and freshened up, I go down stairs to be greeted by a small breakfast courtesy of Seungmin.

As I sat down, Jeongin gives me a smile and slight nod, probably referring to the note and last night. Seungmin turns from the stove and places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

We've been eating bacon and eggs for a while, guess I have to get more groceries.

After my first bite of bacon, Chan comes in and grabs a piece of toast from the counter. He leans on the counter in front of us before speaking.

"So, today and tomorrow are kind of break days. Since it's getting colder, the people are going to need more things, so we have some work to do."

Chan has made it a point to help the people during the winter, so do I out of anyone. Both of us put in the extra effort because of when Chan found me, in the middle of the winter.

"You didn't hear, Jisung, but this week I've planned several heists at different places. We need to be stocked up for when we visit the warehouse again."

We all nod and Chan stands straight.

"Good. Then, today we'll rest up, tomorrow we'll start gathering our things and planning more. Oh and, Jeongin?"

He swallows his eggs quickly. "Y-yes, hyung?"

"You need to be ready too. I want you to join us on the heists this week."

"All of them?"

"All of them. You can handle it, I know you can. These places are easy to hit and we've been there before. I think you're ready to really get out there with us." Chan says and starts to walk back to his room, patting Jeongin's shoulder on the way there.

Jeongin starts to express his excitement to Seungmin while I silently chew on my bacon in thought.

Should I tell Minho? If the shops we're going to are the same ones as always, there might be enough coverage for no one to see him. I'm usually working in the back or storage room anyway (because I can't run very fast so I'm closer to the back door).

It's a huge risk, he could say 'no' if he wanted to anyway.

After finishing my plate, going to my room, and pacing around a bit, I finally decided to send a text.

Lee Minho



Well he responded right away

Are you busy this week?

Not really
My team's good for a while

Do you want to join me for some heists?

Where are we going?

This one was kind of short, but that's because the next two will come out next week.

They are kind of like oneshots, but they help their relationship build.

I also tried to push myself out of my comfort zone with one of the chapters. You'll see.

Anyway, here is your meme:

At this point I cant remember if I've already used one or not.

Love you guys!❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

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