Chapter 70

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Felix told me about a family member who recently reached out to him. They are part of another criminal group and want to possibly work together with us.

Him telling me this pulled me from the dark clouds I was in back to my normal state. I'm a leader, I need to lead my group.

As soon as Felix was done explaining, he said the relative wanted to meet us right away so we could plan a hit because of a shipment that was coming in soon or something.

The meeting was scheduled for 3 days from now, which means I have 3 days to pick myself up and try to get back to normal.

I'm not giving up on Jisung, the only way for that to happen is if I was dead. But I need to take time to get back up before I can start thinking of a plan to get him back to me.

The last thing I need is to be able to get close to him then have everything fall apart at the last minute. Not only would that hurt me, but I can't imagine what it would do to him.


It's been 3 days since I came home and things haven't improved much.

I've tried to sleep, eat, and work off the funk I'm in, but nothing seems to be working.

My team definitely noticed, but they aren't really saying anything. Probably because they know why I'm acting like this.

Even Hyunjin has left me alone, he hasn't said anything about Jisung after what I said to him that day.

I'm trying to get back up after everything but something keeps coming to my mind.

Jisung hasn't said a word to me.

If Chan was lying like I think he was and Jisung really wasn't scared that night, wouldn't he have texted or called me by now? He said he didn't want to wait long to talk again.

And I did text him the night I left him, like I said I would. But there was no response.

During the day I've been busying myself with work and setting up heists, making plans for trades, and looking for any new shipments of things. But at night, my mind is free to run wild and take any small thought I have to extra lengths.

Because of this, I've thought of 100 different reasons why Jisung hasn't reached out to me. From him hating me, to Chan moving them off the grid, to their team being attacked. Nothing seems to be a good enough reason why he just stopped.

Today is the day we have to go meet Felix's family member. I already confirmed everything with everyone and got my team ready to head out.

I was so busy getting everyone else ready and gathering anything we might need to take with us that I kind of forgot to get myself ready. Not that I was in terrible shape, but I could have definitely changed into nicer clothes for the occasion.

Before I could run back up the stairs to change, Felix came up to me rambling something about being late in English.

He didn't give me any time to clean myself up after everything before he pushed me into the van with everyone else. He climbed into the driver's seat and sped off down the road.

I was too tired from getting up so early this morning and the rollercoaster of emotions that I've been on for the last few days that I fell asleep not too long after we left.

A very foggy dream came up of me and Jisung back under the oak tree. But before I could speak to him, my vision got blurry and the image kind of blew away with invisible wind.

I shook and woke up from the dream, looking around frantically to remember what was happening.

Oh, Felix's family.

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