Overprotective Brother

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A Month Later

With EndMight

Enji snuggles to Allmight, Allmight pets her head. Enji purrs wagging her tail, Allmight wags his tail. Enji purrs loudly, Allmight holds Enji. Enji lays on top of him settling her hips on his pelvic, Allmight moans. Enji tilts her head wagging her tail, Allmight wags his tail. Enji moves her hips, Allmight puts Enji on his member. Enji mews rubbing her heat and clit on his shaft, Allmight sticks his member in Enji's heat. Enji mews arching, Allmight thrusting fast into Enji's heat. Enji moans loudly arching, Allmight thrusting faster into Enji's heat. Enji cries out, Allmight slams into Enji's heat. Enji screams loudly, "Cum baby girl~" Allmight said. Enji whines coming, Allmight pulls out. Enji snuggles to him "love you" "Love you too" Allmight said, Enji yawns. Allmight fell asleep purring, Enji fell asleep.

With Jason, Roben and Ethan's four wolves

Charlie, Daniel, Jacob and Peter was in their kennel sunbathing, Carly was in heat whining. Charlie got up walking to her sniffing her and the others watched, Carly backed up. Charlie tilts his head, "Leave me alone" Carly backs up more. Charlie and the others lays down and shows her their bellies letting her know they wasn't going to hurt her, Carly goes near the boys. The wolves where trying to control themselves from her scent, Carly backs away in wolf form. The wolves whines saying sorry as they stayed on their backs, Carly goes near them. The wolves watched her, "What do you want?" Carly said. The wolves looks at her confused since she was in heat and they were alphas, Carly shifts into wolf form.

The wolves looks at her small size and got up sniffing her and licks her head and neck, Carly purrs. The wolves started licking her thighs and heat, Carly mewls. Charlie wraps his paws around her waist and grinds his huge shaft against her tiny heat, Danie, Jacob and Peter knows she's going to be in pain since its her first time. Carly whimpering in pain, Charlie kept forcing himself in her, since he's being pleasured by her pain. Carly crying and hiccupping in pain, Charlie licks her head before moving hard. Carly wags her tail, "we're going to tear your holes, we'll make it hurt" Charlie says going hard making sure it hurts. Carly has tears rolling down her face and wants to die, Charlie goes harder, rougher and deeper and jabs the entrance to her womb "I know you like it".

Daniel humps her head forcing in her mouth, 'I don't like it not one bit' has a flashback of her previous relationship and was shaking and whimpering from fear. Charlie slows down and licks her head as Daniel back away telling her sorry, Carly whimpers shaking. "I'm slowing down" Charlie licks her muzzle as he bucks hard spreading the entrance to her womb open as he came and knots her "I'm done calm down" he says sweetly, Carly was passed out on the ground shaking. Charlie licks her "wake up", 'But I'm tired' Carly said. "your heat cause our problem" Charlie pouts playfully, 'My heat is over cause you impregnate me' Carly said. "question, what if you lay there and the others do the rest, like your resting and their doing the work for you to have their pups, if you want their pups" Charlie asked, "hey!" Daniel, Jacob and Peter pouts.

Carly gets up and puts clothes on and has emotionless eyes "So what you already broke me considering you kinda raped me like my ex alpha" "sorry, your scent made me lose control, I didn't mean to" Charlie picks some daisies with his mouth and gave them to her, Carly takes the daises and has emotions again. "they can hump something to relive themselves" Charlie says and whispers in her ear "I bet you a steak and me to take your ass, but like not now later or when you feel better, they will get their knot stuck in a tree hole" "Even if you helped me I don't trust you since you raped just cause we're mates doesn't mean I trust you or your brothers" Carly storms off to her room and slams the door, "I didn't say now, I said till you feel better and your scent is controlling, so don't blame me, jeez you didn't listen to a word I said" Charlie said and tried picking a rose only to have the thorns jab his mouth and yelps whimpering.

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