𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕦𝕡𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖

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Hello everyone, 

I'm sitting in bed typing this out without the intention of ever publishing it. However, I know some of you have been waiting for a new chapter for a very long time so I might post this as an explanation in the next few days.

I write as a hobby. It is something that makes me happy and I enjoy coming home after a long day and just curling up with my laptop and a blank google doc. I write fanfiction specifically so that I can surround myself with characters that I love and who I know other people love to see in my books.

You deserve an end to this story and you deserve to have it written by someone who still has a passion for writing these characters in particular. Right now I can't promise you that I can be that person. The last thing I want is for this book to become a chore.

I really appreciate everyone's support and for my readers who have followed me all the way from Final Girl. I never intended to create a series based on that small holiday project. I learned a lot from the popularity of this series and how to run this account in the future. 

Right now with college applications, finals, and work, I honestly do not see an update for this book coming anytime soon. I ran the concept into the dirt (for lack of a better term) and I don't have any concrete plan for this plot moving forward. I really hate becoming an author who abandons their works, but I think it would be a disaster for all of us if I kept moving forward without an idea of where I wanted this book to go. 

For organizational purposes, I will be marking this book as complete. However, it is not closing permanently. I thank all of my readers who continue to support me on my writing journey. I hope everyone can understand where I am coming from when I put this series on hiatus. 

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