Chapter 6: Vision

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Mirabel and i walk to Bruno's room to find out about that vision. Mirabel slowly opened Bruno's door and see a room that end with falling sand

"Casita can you turn of the sand?" she said and Casita signals that she can't do anything in Bruno's room. "Well come on Mirabel let's go in" I said impatient "Ok, ok" she walks over to the sand and falls and so do I.

"Shit, Mirabel are you ok!?" I said as I clean my self from all the sand "Yea, I'm ok" she said while taking sand of her glasses. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I scream as I see a lot of stairs going up to somewhere "What happened"

She stops as she sees the stairs "Are you shitting me right know" she said "Are we seriously going up all that stairs" I said "Well yes, we have to find what is happening with the miracle" she said as she starts to go up the stairs "Ughhh" I groan and follow Mirabel.

After a half and hour or so we finally got see the top of the stairs "Yes finally!" I celebrate but then when I see the top there was a massive hole and on the other side was another fucking room

"Fuck another obstacle, what are we Indiana Jones or something like that!" I said really mad "I'm not happy neither but we have to find something in here" she said as she grabas a tope and throws one end on a rock and the other to swing to the other side.

Mirabel swings over and makes it "Yes, Yes!!" she said and then a piece of floor broke and almost made Mirabel fall "Shit" I mumble as I saw that I had to swing more to the other side "Come on T/n, you can do this!" Mirabel said as I look down and see the fall

"Ok, if I die tell Camilo I love him, and to my parents and sister and brothers to" I said and pushed my self to the other side. Mirabel grabbed my foot and pulled me into the floor and I let go of the rope, we both fell backwards but did make it

"Wohooo" Mirabel shouted "We made it!" I said as we bother get up "Come on T/n" we went in a room and rats were everywhere I was disgusted and so was Mirabel

"Shit why are they so many rats?" I ask as I see a door "I don't know but there's a door I there" she said and I go towards that door, it was a circle kind of door and I open it "Wow this is a little concerning" I said as I entered.

When I see around I see sand and in the walls were some kind of marks, as I see them Mirabel was doing something in the middle when suddenly the door closed and it was dark until some shiny green stuff appeared were Mirabel was "What is that?" I ask as Mirabel picks one from the ground. "It's some kind of stone" she said picking up more

"Mirabel give me those two" I said and she handed me the two rocks. As I examine the rocks I see that the pieces seem to connect so I did that and a image started to show but it was not clear "Mirabel I think this rocks are some kind of puzzle" I said and I pick up another piece and put them together I see me

"Shit" I said and the room started to breaks and sand was coming from everywhere "Mirabel let's go!" I shout "Come here help me get this pieces" she said and I help her. When we go to the door it was difficult to open "Ok, on three, one, two, three" we both push the door and it opens making us almost fall of the cliff.

Later we both got out of Bruno's tower and rushed to Mirabel's room "Mirabel, T/n where are you to going in such a hurry, and what's in your hair" Abuela said as she touches my hair "Oh, we were with the kids outside" I lied and then Luisa came crying "What happened Luisa?" Abuela asked

"Mirabel, T/n and i where having this talk about me carrying to much so I tried not carrying to much and when I was going to pick up a donkey it was.. HEAVY!" she cried and ran to her room "What did you two do!?" Abuela asked mad "Nothing, we were only helping" I said

"Look I don't want you two talking to her until I fix this, I'm going to get the Guzman's for Isabelas proposal don't ruin anything" Abuela said and left "T/n let's not do anything more until after the proposal so Abuela doesn't get mad again" she said "Ok, but we got a few hours until the dinner we can still see the vision" I said with curiosity

"Well ok" Mirabel said and we went to her room. We both put the green glowing rocks in a table and started to put the pieces together. "Shit" me and Mirabel said as we look at the vision. In the vision was me in a bed dead or as I looked and Camilo on my side crying and an other vision of the casita broken and Mirabel was on that vision

"Fuck Mirabel what are we going to do, I mean i know they aren't in order but we have to do something" I say to Mirabel and she just stands in shock "Why are you dead in that vision, and in your house!?" Mirabel asked really scared, she knew that I was hiding something "I well- i" I said thinking about something to say

"T/n I know your lying to me, and I know you trust me. Please T/n I need to know, what if we can fix it so you don't die" Mirabel said with hope in her eyes "We can't fix it Mirabel!" I said as my eyes started to water "What can't we fix?! We have to find out hoy to save the miracle and you. Bruno sees the future so if this is your and my future i-"

Pepa came in with a cloud and she couldn't finish. We both rushed and hid the visions behind us "Hey Tia Pepa" Mirabel said with an awkward smile "I came here to get Antonio's things, and then I heard the name we do not speak of" Pepa said as she picked up Antonio's things

"Well actually we have a question about Bru.." Mirabel stops as Pepa creates a cloud "Him, what if him had a vision of someone. What does that mean" Mirabel asks "We do not talk about Bruno"Pepa says as she finishes picking up Antonio's things.
Im sorry for the wait I have three chapter done I will publish them one by one

Thank you for reading my book or series

Have a great day/night love you <3

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