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I AM being treated as a queen, Sollel thought when she woke up in the morning and breakfast was already ready and served. Sollel didn't even know how Hakkeran managed to make her a cup of tea and a plate with bread— hell, they're in a cave in the shivering valley, one of the deadliest valleys in Azitera, and here she was, having tea and bread for breakfast. Like she was in some kind of an expensive inn.

Sollel didn't know what to say anymore. It had been a long, long time since a person made her speechless in more ways than one.

But it was not bad— yes, not bad at all.

She finished her breakfast and made her 'bed' and went looking for Hakkeran. She found him in the back of the cave, in the stream, bathing. And she did what anyone would in her situation— she watched.

I didn't know his hair is long enough to reach his shoulder. When she saw him up-close yesterday, his light brown hair was tied back neatly with few strands draping on his forehead, giving him a neat, but messy look.

Sollel walked towards the riverbank and crossed her arms over her chest. "Good morning, my lord." She said teasingly and Hakkeran just turned to her and stared. She was expecting a more adorable reaction like Hakken, maybe, but nothing. He just stared at her and nodded, then went back to bath.

Sollel sighed. For a man who's treating me nicely, he's very... cold and distant.

"Thanks for the breakfast." She said to start a conversation.

But Hakkeran was silent, just bathing. And just when Sollel thought he would not speak, he did... hesitantly. "Did you... enjoy your breakfast?"

"Yes. Thank you. I enjoyed it."

Hakkeran had his back on Sollel, so she didn't see him smile at her answer. "Get ready. We're leaving in an hour. We have to find shelter before nightfall, so we have to move early and quick or we'll die in the blizzard."

"You will," Sollel smiled knowing how much her blood flame hates cold. "But I won't."

Hakkeran finished his bath and came out of the water. "Yes. I know. You don't have to be so happy about it."

Sollel had to keep her face straight when the shameless warlord came out naked and brazenly walk past her. But she was more brazen because her eyes followed him and watched him walk back to the cave, naked. Her eyes were enjoying the view of his perfectly shape buttocks.

Sollel sighed and shook her head. He was shameless, but his body and little Hakkeran were looking great, I gave him that. Sollel massaged her temple at the thought that was rushing in her head. All inappropriate that she found herself blushing. Hakken was adorable, but he never made me blush, Sollel thought. Maybe because Hakken was modest, reserved and prude in so many ways and that made him adorable in her eyes.

Sollel shook her head to clear it and took a deep breath. Let's focus on Gatria. I can deal with Hakken and Hakkeran afterwards. For now, it's Gatria.

"Ready, Your Highness?" Hakkeran asked from behind her, fully dressed, as if she was not a prisoner as he said.

Sollel composed herself and turn around. "Yes. I'm ready."

Leaving the cave, Hakkeran and Sollel started traversing the shivering valley. There was no route, no, nothing but snow, however, Hakkeran's every step seems certain, carrying a confidence that they're going on the right path and Sollel just followed him.

The cold didn't bother her, and she could tell that it didn't bother Hakkeran too.

Silently following Hakkeran and accepting his assistance when there's a steep slope they had to pass, Sollel got used to Hakkeran's help as they quietly traversed the shivering valley. From time to time, Hakkeran would offer her warm water from his water canteen, and he was quick to hold her hand when she needed support to balanced herself.

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