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"ARE YOU familiar with the shivering valley, Lord Hakken?" Grath couldn't help asking after two days of crossing the valley. Lord Hakken seemed to know which direction to take to avoid danger and he also knew where the caves were where they stay at night to stay away from the blizzard.

Hakken nodded at Grath while they were inside a cave, taking shelter. "Yes. Kind of. But as we reach the center of the valley, beats will come for us. There is no route that we can take to avoid them. It's the only way." He looked at Zassia who was in the corner, wrapped in a blanket. "Lady Zassia, please ready some simple, but powerful attacks. Though not so powerful that it will cause an avalanche. The center of this valley is a mountain of snow."

Zassia nodded. "I will."

Hakken's gaze went back to Grath. "Since we both fight head on, we will be on the front and Lady Zassia will be on the rear."

Grath nodded and summoned his fire on his hand. "For Her Highness, we have to safely cross this valley."

Hakken nodded before he closed his eyes and leaned on the cave's inner wall. He was not sleeping, just resting his eyes, so he heard when Zassia spoke.

"Lord Hakken, may I ask you something?"

Hakken nodded without opening his eyes.

Seeing Hakken nod, Zassia asked. "Do you personally know the queen?" When Hakken didn't move to answer, Zassia added, "It's just that, I know you like the Queen, but the way you look at Her Highness... It feels like different somehow." When Hakken remained silent, Zassia look down. "I'm sorry for prying." She immediately apologized, thinking that she asked something she shouldn't have. "Please forgive me. I won't ask that again."

Zassia thought Hakken was angry because he continued to be silent, until he finally opened his mouth while his eyes remained closed.

"Yes. I know her," Inside the silent cave, Hakken's whisper sounded crystal clear. "Death is not the end when you are a descendant of Sappher, especially me who came from the first lineage of Sappher. I lived a long life and died so many times that I could count. As I continue to exist through rebirth after every death, life became monotonous to me. My life had no purpose—no meaning. I was just living... Existing. So, I made a pact with my trusted aide to only resurrect me if there was a change in Azitera— something that will entertain me," Hakken's lips formed into an amused smile. "And that day finally arrived. I went through a rebirth and as I reached adulthood, my life started to mean something again. Especially when the Sappher finally decided, after long deliberation, to wage war against Yther and its queens.

"But just when I was ready to go to war... I saw her," Hakken's face softened. "One of the queens of Yther. The Mistress of flame. Hair as vibrant as firestone and eyes as fierce as lava. She was beautiful. Not only that, but she was also benevolent, compassionate, and merciful. She bestowed flame on humans so they could protect and provide for themselves. She protects the weak and very friendly to every race. She believed in balance, in co-existing and peace. She was a queen in every sense of the word. And I fell in love.

Hakken took a deep breath and slightly opened his eyes like he was reminiscing. "I couldn't make myself fight her, but I swore an oath that binds me to my promise. So, I fought with her and lost. I don't think my lady remembers me. I was but an insignificant warrior whom she crossed blades with. Nothing special. Losing the war, the descendant of Sapphers scattered, leaving a vow that they would one day come back and take revenge on the queens of Yther."

"So... You're going to get revenge?" Zassia asked with her shaky voice.

Hakken chuckled at Zassia's conclusion. "A descendant of Sappher only falls in love once in all their lifetimes— it was our race's greatest weakness. So, how could I possibly hurt the woman whom I waited for three lifetimes?"

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