Chapter 55

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Anna's POV
I woke up to Skylar kicking my legs off of her. I could hear her whimpering and her heavy breathing.

"Hey it's okay..." I whispered putting my arms around her.

She kept kicking nonstop and I got really worried. Seconds later she sat up panicking as I calmed her down.

"Hey it's okay calm down." I said behind her.

She coughed and I know that hurt her jaw. The medicine was to help her not cough so she must have forgotten it last night.

"Hey love calm down breathe..." I whispered putting my arms around her.

I could feel her coughing as much as she nudged me. She was coughing blood up as I immediately turned the light on. I got her a rag to cough the blood up on and scram to get the phone.

"Hello? Ma'am?" The person said as I answered.

"I need ahold of Dr. Peterson." I said and the call went through.

"Skylar is coughing up blood what do I do?" I asked him has I sat behind her rubbing her back.

"She needs to be elevated and give her some medicine that she can use. Maybe not straight cause she probably won't feel like drinking anything right now." He said and I went to the kitchen getting some orange juice.

I poured the medicine in and I saw Skylar on the edge of the bed throwing up.

"Hey it's okay..." I said and got a trash can.

I set the glass down getting the materials to clean the floor with. She kept throwing up in the trash as I gave her the glass. I also let her use a straw so she could drink it more easily.

I could hear her sobs as I sat behind her putting my head on her shoulder reassuring everything was okay.

Soon minutes later she stopped she coughed a little but I think the medicine hit her. She used a water to wash the stuff down and I cleaned her mouth with a wet rag.

She put her head on my shoulder for support and I can still hear her little cries. I tried to reassure but it wasn't helping has much.

She just put her hand over my mouth to stop me from talking. She only needed a presence to be there for her. Eventually she stopped talking and fell asleep in my lap.
I laid down putting the blanket over us and laid her head on my chest.

Kissing her forehead as she nuzzled her head and I played with her hair. The rest of the night was peaceful and since it was morning of 6 I let her sleep a while longer.
I planned a day for us and it hopes that tonight will be the day...


'So why did your bring us here?' She wrote down on a notepad I brought because she decided she needed to be off her phone awhile.

"Because it's a surprise dummy' I said and she rolled her eyes.

I brought her to a lake forest for a picnic and we'd go walking.

It was mostly smoothies but she asked me if she could try some chocolate strawberries cause she had been dying for one of those.

She wanted them chopped so I did while she laid her head on my shoulder. Trying a strawberry out I looked at her to make sure she wouldn't choke.

She successfully did it with a little pain but she was use to it by now. She started to eat more as I laughed.

'These are delicious my chef.' She wrote down as I smiled kissing the top of her head.

'I want to tell you something' she said and I nodded and she kept going.

'I'm sorry for the way I treated you last year I didn't mean to go harsh for the way I acted.' She wrote down.

"It's okay. You were hurting and that was way to cope. I'm just glad I never stopped bothering you." I teased and she smiled a little.

We drank our smoothies and she ate the covered strawberries while I made a sandwich for myself. We hung out and talked on the notepad I got her.

Mostly we kinda just cuddled on the blanket laid out. I looked at her and she had those pretty eyes.

I kinda forgot what color of eyes she had and I'm way too lazy to look through about 50 chapters of the book.

We started to pack up and put the stuff in my car as I grabbed her hand. We started to walk in the woods. It was a path already made for people to walk on as we followed the trail through the woods.

We stopped at certain animals that were around like a pretty blue jay as Skylar took a picture. Maybe for a reference for art.

We contained to walk when we reached a bridge when I stopped her. She looked confused but I assured her I wasn't gonna do anything bad.

I held her hand has I turned her to face me.

"I've know I was like a total bitch to you when it first met you and betting on you wasn't a good idea... we've known each other for like almost two years." I said and she nodded.

"You've been through so much and I'm so proud of you for handling it even if it meant pushing me away." I continued to tell her.

"And I was hoping... you'd accept this?" I asked pulling a long rectangle case for her to open.

She opened and it was a necklace that had an S on it for her name. And I decided to go for it...

"And would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked and my heart exploded right there.

She didn't nod... but she didn't shake her head no either. She didn't pull out a phone to text she just stared at me before opening her mouth.

"Y-Yes." She said and my eyes lit up.

Not the fact she said yes she actually spoke. A proper word came out even if it was short it was a big turn for her.

After weeks she tried talking she did it even if it's baby steps. Her eyes realized the words actually came out of her mouth.

"Oh my god Skylar!" I said and she had an excited face.

"You spoke. Jesus I'm so proud of you." I said and she smiled.

She hugged me tight as I smiled hugging back. She didn't let go and I could feel wet tears in my shirt.

We were both excited that she said yes. She said yes to my question and she spoke it out loud.

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