Chapter 10... The Intruder

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Just a reminder of Choi Jin Hyuk .....

I am switching the story from third to first person so there will be instances of the two points of view.  

I  tried calling my mother again but the call refused to connect. I was sure that I had heard knocking during my failed phone conversation but I knew that it was the branch. The curtains were drawn and the blinds down throughout the house. I had not touched them and refused to look out now  since the outlines of trees  and branches made everything look eerie at night.

At least I was safe here in this locked cottage. I hoped. The kitchen was pretty modern with a mid-sized refrigerator, a steel stove and dark vanished wooden shelves. The island in the middle separated it from the first reception room. I had just put some more soup in the microwave when I heard a muffled sound again, then a scrape. It must be the branches again. I would definitely get the tree pruned if I was Chris. The wind was howling loudly and the pounding rain on the cottage roof was like sound proofers drowning out any external sound.

I rushed to ensure that all windows and doors were bolted securely. I would have to advise Chris to have a security system installed. I tried my mobile again but it seemed that the rain had tied up the communication network. I was not going to panic. If it came to anything, I was going to fight for my life. At least the office knew where I was so they would find me quickly.

I woke up with a start. I must have fallen asleep on the sofa. I checked my phone it was 11:35 pm. I sat up; the cottage appeared quiet and undisturbed. The rain did not appear to be falling very heavily but it was still coming down, the eerie quiet  was unsettling with the moonlight piercing through the clouds. It was a setup for a bad horror movie. I quickly checked my phone again; sadly there was still no signal. 

What was the point of a 21st century mobile if it had no signal? 

I heard pounding again and this time it sounded louder and not like a branch scraping sound. I went to the back door where the sound was coming from. I wanted to peer out but I was scared. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife then I placed a chair near me.  I picked up the knife. The intruder was now pounding on the door like he wanted to break it down. I was hesitant and rushed for my mobile phone.

"My husband is in the bedroom so just leave." I shouted. The intruder knew someone was inside because the lights were on.

Who could be out in such weather? 

Only the agent knew that I was here.

 Could he the one outside?

I was in no mood to share this strange place with a stranger. The shadow disappeared from the window. Then I heard a loud drop like someone falling on the decking. I was officially scared. It was now too quiet even the wind had stopped howling. Hopefully the intruder had given up but I was still not safe. 

I went through the kitchen cupboards and searched for items I could use to defend myself. I got out saucepans and a rolling pin, scissors and knives. I placed these items discriminately around the cottage. If I was going to be attacked I was going to fight.

A few minutes passed and the would- be- intruder seemed to have either given up or left or was still stalking me outside. The cottage was pretty much concealed from the road. Only a person who knew the place would find it easily in this storm or a determined thief. 

This had disturbed me greatly.

I wanted to know for sure where the intruder had gone but I was not going to leave the safety of these walls. I cozened myself on the carpet in front of the fireplace it was safe and gave me a good view of the layout. I would know if anyone had entered. Suddenly I heard pounding again at the back doors.

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