Da Plan?

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So uh yeah back from my 1.5 month break hope you enjoy this cringy ass book. Plus song of the day^, also im rereading the previous chapters so they're will be thing from previous chapters here in this one. and it will be a short chapter

Story Begin

Y/n: So the plan is simple on October 31 we will go to Shibuya and find the evil Suguru before he tries to take that sealing cube off him be-

Diego: So why do we need the cube?

Y/n: That's the thing we don't need it, the main enemy does so we take it so they don't use it

Diego: I see, but what are they going to use it for? 

Y/n: They're going to use it to capture the Strongest Gojo Satoru. Think about it with him out of commotion their plan will go smoothly

Senju: And after we get the cube?

Y/n: We will just try to keep it s long as we can.

Senju: Why we are here to fight and kill the-

Y/n: Senju not all of them are the same I was one of them, our goal is not to be heroes you know, our goal is to cause change whatever it takes even if it gets us killed

Y/n: Senju not all of them are the same I was one of them, our goal is not to be heroes you know, our goal is to cause change whatever it takes even if it gets us killed

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Senju: OK ok, but what if we fail?

Y/n: Then we help the Sorcerers I know get Gojo back, knowing the higher ups they will make the release of Gojo an act of treason

Senju: Ok that's pretty stupid

Y/n: I know but they fear him more than anything since they know he's a rebel.

Tatasumi: OK so we help them get Gojo back what then 

Y/n: We fight the people then we separate the group

Senju: Wait Wait Wait, what do you mean "separate" the group

Y/n: I'm sorry Senju but if you can't tell it seems only our goals come together talking with these two is like talking to someone who has no interest in what you mean. Now that we know Me and Senju's goal I'd like to know both of your intentions Diego, Tatsumi?

Diego: To be sincere I'm in it for the money the people at my home always suffered from that so all I care about is the money

Tatasumi: I-I Wait how do we know if you aren't lying to all of-

Y/n: I could have killed you all a long time ago if you don't remember I Y/n L/n am no longer human. Due to this power of mine I no longer experience things the same, no matter how many good time we have with each other I will be able to kill you all with no issues

Tatsumi: ...

Y/n: if you have no word or you don't have to say anything if you don't want to

He stayed quiet so I decided to head to my room and rest.

Time Skip

I woke up and decided to read No Longer human as it's the only thing I actually brought with me.

After an hour of reading I hear knocking on my door

Senju: Y/n it's time for the plan to begin

Y/n: Wait how long did I sleep?

Senju: You slept for 5 days Y/n

Y/n: Then you all head out I'll catch up


Yes my Thieves today you read more cringy shit have a good day good night whenever you read this

See you later Thieves

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