S.1 Ep.2 Ultra boy vs. The Suits

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(Dennis and Ethan and Abby are walking to school with Dennis technically tell them the need to know stuff)

Dennis: So you would be good on the soccer team and as jacked as you are girls will flock to you and I'll tell them I made you that way *he said flashing Ethan a grin who in turn rolled his eyes*

Ethan: dude no I'm joining the soccer team be--oof *Ethan notices that he bumped into someone*

Phoebe: *Phoebe turns around angry Ethan bumped into her* listen punk unless you want a-a--a--a-

Ethan: I'm sorry I was ignoring my friend here crap my manners I'm Ethan elemento

Phoebe: Phoebe amore and ummm.... yea.... bye *she runs off not knowing they were actually going in the same direction*

(back at home with eva some men in black looking guys are knocking on her door that she knows as the suits)

Eva: You guys don't want to do this, I've taken down your guys before and I got a guest soon so let's make this quick *she saids standing in a circle of suits while cracking her knuckles*


(Over at school Ethan was talking to the soccer coach and was showing his skills)

Ethan: Ok guys one more goal and we'll score

Phoebe: Mel check him out so freakin hot🤤🤤

Melissa: phoebs are you su--

Sasha: What are you two doing here ??

Phoebe: I'm checking out our ace striker

Sasha: Then talk to him *she saids as she pushes phoebe on to the soccer field*

Phoebe: Gosh your hotter up cl--

Kate: Hi Kate Patterson jr. reporter umm may I ask about what you think of our sch--ow!! *she shouts as phoebe shoves her away*

Phoebe: Get away from him queen of boredom

Kate: Wow saids his stalker

Phoebe: you wanna g-- where did he go ?

Kate: Locker room probably

*as both girls made their way to the boys locker room they saw Ethan changing into his regular clothes*

Kate & Phoebe: Woah! *they say in unison after seeing Ethan shirtless*

Ethan: you ladies want anything ?

Phoebe: ....picture please.....

Kate: .....are you single......

Ethan: Dennis has a pic he said to say he knows the ace striker in front of girls and yes I am

Phoebe: Ok and if you want I'll be your personal cheer leader~

Ethan: *he shrugs getting ready to leave school* go ahead i don't mind

*As the day was winding down Abby and Ethan are attacked by suits but can't fight back because their true identities are at risk*

Ethan: *stomps on one's foot and runs with Abby in one hand* you know you'd think they'd be smarter about this *he saids as he pulls his cousin into their backyard*

Abby: stupid suits *she saids as her and Ethan go into the treehouse emerging as ultra boy and imana*

Ultra boy(Ethan): *turns his hair into a pack of wolves* get outta here creeps!!

Imana(Abby): *pulls the gutters from her house* try me!!

(as Ultra boy made his hair bite the suited men while Imana wrapped them in the gutters from the house and flung them across town)

(The two heroes made sure no one was watching and went into Ethan's room to change out of their hero wear only to make eye contact with dennis who saw everything)

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