S.1 Ep.11 Song of the heart

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(The elemento children were on their way to school with Dennis talking to them about combo moves which they were ignoring until they walked into school and saw everyone was laughing at a piece of paper and looking in there direction)

Ethan: I think they're laughing at us

Abby: But why?

Phoebe: *she shouts from down the hall* DENNIS AMICO YOU BASTARD!!!

Ethan: *he grabs her shoulders and keeps a hold on her* Easy, what did he do...?

Phoebe: *she's still trying to break from his grip* Ask your cousin that relationship destroying monster

Ethan: *he's still holding Phoebe's shoulder* Abby you didn't!

Phoebe: *pulls out the school newspaper* Yes. she did

*On that newspaper was a front page of Abby and Dennis kissing. Ethan turned to Dennis and the fire in his eyes made Dennis go pale*

Dennis: dude look I know the bro co-- *he was cutoff when Ethan pinned him against the locker and Ethan was practically fuming*

Ethan: You idiot!! Mel is unstable and You!! *he whirled around to talk to his cousin* Dangit Abby I told you not to do it but--

Abby: *she shouted with tears in her eyes* He kissed me!!

(This time Ethan and Phoebe were gonna pounce on Dennis who threw his hands up in defence)

(Over at Brook's cafe Eva And Ashton were doing clearing orders and flirting)

Ashton: I'm just saying I could teach you how to play better ? (He said winking)

Eva: *she chuckled to herself thinking his offer was cute* Nah nubia I'm fine, you just remember that your not supposed to fill up the entire cup

(Ashton felt flustered as he fumbled the order and took it to the table that asked for it)

Casey: ask him ou-- *She was cutoff when the shop started shaking and when everyone looked out the window they saw a man made of gold dressed like he was from olympus*

*All Eva did was text her brother*


(Back at the school After awhile and an argument they agreed Phoebe would talk to Mel while Abby and Dennis stay away from each other)

Ethan: *his phone vibrates* Abby we gotta go

(They both ran into the bathroom making sure no one was in there and Ethan shouted Go Ultra!!)

(and as they went to fight the guy Ethan dashed
out of the school and Abby was close behind him)


The Olympian: I come in the form of your go-- *He was hit in the face with a car and he was furious* Who dares strike a god ?

Imana: We dare!!

Ultra boy: *he makes blades with his hair and swirls them but a thunderbolt strikes His stomach and knocks him back*

Imana: *she spawns a bunch of her mini magnets and forms some fists and takes a swing at the Golden man before her but he was so fast and conjures water and nearly drowns her until he is hit in the face by a giant red fist*

Ultra boy: Hands off freak!! *And now the young hero is trying to punch the Golden man but keeps missing while The Olympian is connecting every hit and tries to kill him*

The Olympian: A god does not lose to mere mortals!!

Ultra boy: You'll never be a god!!

Imana: Drop dead you greek wannabe!!

(The Olympian was angry that they dared to speak to him that way but didn't notice that Imana was connecting mini magnets to him and flung him into a hardware store which was Imana's field and with all that stuff in there he's screwed...)


(After school Phoebe took Mel home in her family's limo and made sure she wasn't near the group while Ethan took his cousin home and kept their distance from Dennis)

Ethan: Hey big sis gotta date ?

Eva: That obvious ?

Ethan: sis your grinning and tell Abby that if I say it listen next time

Abby: *Looked at the ground and hugged Eva*


(After Mel got home and cried herself to her room her older brother Ashton who was happy to have a date didn't even notice also he had headphones on)

Melissa: *she continued to cry* I can't believe him

The Elementalist: Me neither but if you want revenge

Melissa: No *she saids as she switched into her ombra form and tried to attack but was shocked by The Olympian leaving her incapacitated long enough for Evelyn to take her powers*

Evelyn: Thank you Mel and Tell your brother to keep his hands where they belong with my daughter tomorrow (she left laughing maniacally and heard Ashton coming up stairs but by the time Ashton arrived all was gone except for his sister...)

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