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Gray POV

I took a peek at Juvia. A wet white see through school shirt. My shawty I can see her bra. I cover my nose as it started to bleed and look away.

Dammit Natsu. He drag Juvia to me and ran off. Calling himself an older brother.
"Gray sama" she muttered. I look at her again to see her hugging herself shivering.

"Juvia?! Are you alright? You must be cold" I said panicking not knowing what to do.

I held onto Juvia by her waist as she slowly gets weaker.

I frown and pick her up dropping the umbrella and about to run until a man in a cloak stood in front of me blocking my way. He looks so familiar.

"Yo" he said.

"Excuse me but my-" I stopped not knowing what I should call her.

"Younger sister? Friend? Best friend? Or maybe... Girlfriend as in lover?" He smirk.

"Shut up" I mumble and ran as quickly as I could to fairy Hills.

"Hey! Open the gates!!!" I scream. I forgot both our bags when I carried Juvia.

"Open the damn gates!!!" I scream even louder and so the gates opened with Erza in front of the gate.

"You've gotta help Juvia. Please Erza. " I said and she laugh.

"Well duh of course I will" she said and carry Juvia away. Those who aren't S class isn't allow in the s class dorms. Its like literally illegal. Honestly whoever made that rule up is an idiot.

I walk back to house and change. "Its been raining a lot lately isnt it" I whisper.

Erza POV

"She's not sick" said Mira looking at Juvias temperature.

"But...uh..." I look at Juvia who's sweating.

She then muttered something.

I lean in. "What Juvia?" I said.

"Cold..." She whisper.

"But juvia you're all sweaty...alright" I ran to my room and Grab my blanket.

I roll Juvia up into a burrito with two blankets, mine and Juvia.

I froze as I sense an unfamiliar person behind me.

I turn around to see a guy in a cloak.

His eyes are glowing red staring right at Juvia.

I growl and glare at him "Who are you?!"

He did not answer. "You do know that non s class students are not allow in here right?"

He still did not answer. "She..." He pointed to Juvia "is an idiot!" He yell "having to save your sorry ass again!"

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Me? I'm the Metal Fox" he smirk taking off his cloak.

"From Phantom?" I went into my fighting stance. "What do you want?"

"How long has she been like this?" He ask.

"Uh ... A couple of hours probably"

He growl "idiot idiot idiot!" He shouted again "you should strip her naked then set a boiling bath for her. Just let her sit in there until she wakes up" he told me "that's what I usually do when its like this. And if she wakes up with a fever, then I'll find your strawberry shortcakes and eat all of them"

My eyes widen and my lips curve down as I start to shake.

"Y-yes" I stutter about to cry.

He walk to the window "oh yea you migjt want to change the water after a while if it gets cold" then jump out of the window.

I undo my burrito and strip Juvia naked then heated the bath until its boiling.

"What are you doing?" Asked Mira.

"Saving my shortcakes" I said and carry Juvia placing her in the bath.

Mira ran over to me to stop me because the water is boiling hot. Sadly I already put Juvia in there.

"C-cold..." Juvia said and we both touch the water.

"Its not boiling anymore" I said.

" "oh yea you might want to change the water after a while if it gets cold"

"I see. Mira we're going to have to change the water" I said and we changed it.

And the colder instantly became cold when we place Juvia in the water. I groan "we're going to have to change the water a lot" I said but this is for my shortcakes.

"I'm going to save my shortckes"

Happy POV

Lily decided to stop by the public bathrooms on our way back home.

"Yo little brat" said an unknown voice. I look up my eyes widen.

"D-d-d-death!" I scream as death appear before me.

"Lily! Lily!" I yell.

"What?! Lily ran out of the bathroom .

"G-gajeel!" He yell and they both hug crying tears of joy.


"That salamander sucks at being an older brother doesn't he" he said and pick us both up. "Let's go. I'll take you both home"

Juvia POV

I woke up in the bath tub again. Erza and Mira sleeping on the floor. I sigh I did it again.

My eyes widen. How did they know what to do?

"Gajeel?" I whisper and smile.

I woke up Mira and Erza and apologize.

Then dressed down and walk to school.

I met Natsu on the way whose been waiting for me.

"hey Natsu San!" I said and he smile "so Gray took you straight to the dorms huh".

"Actually... Natsu San Juvia has something important...uh"


"Nope it's nothing! Never mind!" I smile and walk with Natsu then Gray came running to me. He apologized about last night.

Uh oh

"So gray failed...again huh...." Natsu mumble. "Damn you gray I even gave you a second chance!" Natsu punched Gray.

And so a fight started.

I walk to my classroom and place my head on the desk.

I've explained to Mira and Erza about my condition. Where I can't stand the cold. If I stand in the cold for too long then I may die.

A blanket wrapped around me. I look up "erza?"

"Don't worry I have more" she said and wink the. Place more blankets on me.

"E-erza...I can't breathe" I said and Mira came in "erza what are you doing?!"

Yay Mira. Save me.

"You should've brought more blankets! Luckily I've brought some blankets too" Mira place her blankets on me and I'm guess I'm probably already dead.

"What the hell?!" The blanket are removed and then my favorite drink is place in front of me.

"Ive only been gone for a while and your all already trying to killing her! This is why I hate Fairy Tail brats"

Jealous Hearts (NaLu/Gruvia)Where stories live. Discover now