The hunt for paranormal activities #2 (Rewrite)

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(AN : I know the story is getting slightly out of it's way, but don't worry about it. Here's the next chapter! Enjoy)

They entered the graveyard, there are not much to see other than tombstones.

Their footsteps echoed with each steps. There are no other sounds except the occasional hoots from owls.

As the lights flickered from the lamp posts. Venti spoke up.

"This is getting slightly scary." Venti said as his right hand holds the hand held camera looking at the direction infront of them.

"Come on, we are Archons, we won't get scared." Ei looked around with a bored expression.

"I know, but where's the fun in that?" Venti said before he walked to the nearest tombstone to look at what was written on it.

"Most of these were clearly old since the names are almost unrecognisable." Venti turned around to Ei and Zhongli.

"Let's go to the next area, who knows what we can find here in the night." Zhongli spoke as the trio started to move.


There are nothing much happening, everything is quiet.

The three walked while pointing their flashlights around their vicinity. All they see is tombstones and sometimes nocturnal animals who ran away once they got close.

They hear someone stepped on a tree branch and immediately went on high alert.

"Don't worry guys, it's just me who stepped on the branch." Venti smiled sheepishly.

"Don't scare us like that, Venti. I could have attacked you." Ei gazed at him sharply.

"Sorry." He apologized.

Zhongli looked at his watch, it's 02:37 AM. "Let's continue. We have all the time for exploration."

Zhongli and Ei started to walk while Venti decided to look around.

His eyes gazed at a statue of a hooded woman. Letting out a sigh of dissapoinment, he followed the other two.

Unbeknownst to him, something peeked behind hooded statue looking at them.


The creature let out a low growl before dissapearing in the darkness.

Venti stopped and turned his head towards the statue.

"Huh... Must've been the wind." He said before he fastened his pace to catch up with the two.


"Anything out of the ordinary?" Ei asked.

"We got nothing so far." Zhongli answered as the trio were sitting on a bench.

Venti spotted something with his camera and points at it, turns out it was just an own. "Yeah, this is getting boring." He sighed in dissapointment.

"What time is it?" Ei asked Zhongli.

"It's 3 AM." He answered after he checked his watch.

"I heard that in this world, 3 AM is the peak of paranormal activities." Ei informed them.

"Let's go home, we can try this again tomorrow." Venti said.

Before the other two can say anything. The sounds of faint footsteps echoed around them.

"Who would walk in the graveyard at night? Unless they are doing what we are doing." Ei furrows her eyebrows, while the other two turned their heads towards the direction of the sounds.

The footsteps stopped for a moment, as if the person heard their conversations.

"Excuse me... Sir? Ma'am? What are you doing here late in the night?" Zhongli asked politely.

He received no respond.

The footsteps can be heard again but this time, far behind the bench they are sitting, coming closer towards them.





"Whoever you are, would you please answer the question?" Ei narrowed her eyes.

Again, there are no respond.

"So we're getting the silent treatment then." Zhongli said.

A few seconds turned into minutes as there were no respond from the source of the footsteps.

They felt like they were being watched by the person, but they feel that something is wrong.

"Is it me or i'm getting a bad feeling about this?" Venti shifted uncomfortably from his spot.

"Same, whoever this person is, they hold ill intentions to us." Ei stands up from her spot before turning to where the source of the footsteps once were.

"I would have concluded it as an animal, but no wild animals would come to the cemetery. I also don't think pets would come here especially how... Heavy the footsteps are." Zhongli said as he also stands and turned behind them.

The source of the footsteps slowly takes a step back before letting out an unholy screech.


The three immediately went on high alert but before they can do anything, they don't feel it's presence anymore.

"What the frick was that?" Venti stands from his spot and turned around. With a bow ready at hand.

"I don't know, but I can feel that it's watching us from far away." Zhongli narrowed his eyes.

"Let's get out of here." Venti said as the other two nodded before they ran from their spot.


They are now infront of the graveyard. Panting from running.

"I'll ask again, what the frick was that?" Venti panted.

"All I know is that it's not a human." Ei said.

"I would consider the option to engage with it but it won't go unnoticed since were in a city" Zhongli sighed. A slight frown make it's way to his face.

"Let's go back to our apartment, we will continue this tomorrow." Ei said.

"But what of our mission?" Venti asked.

"We can put that on hold, our focus now is to find out what is that thing." Ei said before the trio went back to the apartment.

Venti stopped and turned his head to take a glance at the graveyard's entrance before he catches up with the two.

(AN : Can they figure who is this thing? Tune in next chapter!

Next Update : The Hidden Secret (Azur Lane X SCP)


(Rewrite: 22/10/2022)

The Adventures of Three Broke Archons (Genshin Impact X Azur Lane)[Book#1]Where stories live. Discover now