I was standing at the edge of a cliff,
And then at once
Between the misty clouds
I witnessed something yonder,
At the antipodal of this cliff.
I saw a gorgeous Jane somewhere in her teens, I deem.
I gazed at her pulchritudinous long brunette hair with large curls.
I couldn't see her well, but yes, I knew she was beautiful.
I imagined how fierce her eyes would be,
Perhaps as outrageous as the fire.
Her lips to be like the petals of a rose.
She was more or less an English Rose, I reckon.
Startlingly, she plummeted off the cliff screaming - ADIEU!
From the Heart of Nora Selenov
PoetryMy heart tells the tales of joy, misery, wrath and every emotion I've felt❤ What does yours say? Ranked! #70 for Poetry #85 for thoughts