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The two privately glowed all through the journey to the little well known Italian. Whilst they were waiting to be directed to a table, Helena took the time to let her eyes return the favour which Tim managed to deliver earlier. He was truly fascinating. His curls, so dark and curly, sticking out at every angle imaginable but then again, she can't really talk can she!

She was drawn to every section of skin that Tim was exposing, her hands found themselves clutching tighter at her bag, subconsciously leaning closer as her eyes settled on his lips, she smiled at how they were slightly pouted, he was obviously in his own little world, she hoped that he would once again let her venture into that world of his.

"Um- sir" the waiter clears his throat. "Have you booked?" Tim replies with a quiet no and a wishful request for a table. Helena took this waiting time to focus on her surroundings rather than the tall dark and handsome man she came here with, taking a step back, she absorbs the dimly lit restaurant, smiling at the small white fairy lights that were slung over the vintage wooden beams, highlighting certain areas of the building, each table glowing from the warmth of the candle light. "Wow" she said to Tim as his hand found its way to her lower back, gently pushing her into the restaurant and ensuring that his companion stays on track as they walked to their table. "This place really is beautiful" she beams at him. With a dashing smile Tim pulls out her chair before taking a seat in his own, trying to ignore how his fingers tingle from that moment of contact. "Hey! This is a date place!" She gasped, grinning ear to ear.


"Of course it is Helena!" His mumbles cover his embarrassment. "I wanted to treat you. Where did you think I was taking you?"


She leans forward with a sly grin and scoots her chair closer. "I was hoping McDonalds, love"


"Well we can always go there for pudding" he chuckles. "I do love their Mcflurry's!"


They were interrupted by a beautiful waitress in a black dress who laid the menus down in front of them. "Can I get you any drinks?" She grinned, words coated with a sweet accent, the orders were scribbled down on her notepad and with a smile and a promise that she'd be back the waitress left to attend the other waiting couples.

"So, seeing as you picked this place. What do you suggest?" Helena's eyes scan over the menu.


"Tell me what you like" he replies, her heart flutters.


"You" she whispers.


"What?" Tim's head snaps up, eyes darting to her


"What!" She squeaks, cringing at the warmth that trickles up the back of her neck, threatening to spread and pinch her cheeks. He chuckles, she giggles. Had she just said what he thought she said? Or was he just hearing what he wanted to? Tim's swirling thoughts are interrupted when a few moments later and the waitress returned, ready to take their orders. "How are you two this lovely evening?" Tim's eyes finally left helenas and drifting up to meet the waitresses gaze. "I'm great..you?" Helena grinned at him, trying to fight through the warmth honey like feeling that spreads through her. "Great" she whispers without breaking eye contact to look at the waitress. They hold each other's gaze whilst the waitress runs through today's specials, they're snapped into reality with a small cough. "Sorry about that!" The member of staff chirps, slapping her chest twice.


"It's alright, love!" Helena smiles kindly. The two ordered a pasta dish. Tim the meaty spaghetti bolognese and Helena the creamy carbonara. As the meals arrived Helena couldn't avert her eyes from Tim's lips how he would suckle on the rich tomato sauce before devouring the pasta in a manly yet graceful act or how his hand lightly twirled the fork, pieces of spaghetti smacking the corner of his lips, staining them with sauce. "Oh- tim" she sighs, her dark curls bounce as she shakes her head. "Come here" scrunching the napkin in her hand she leans forward, dabbing the corner of her lips. Tim's rough fingers curl lightly around her wrist, fingertips planting against the skin, his brows furrow and he finds the skin pulsing, with a loving grin he allows himself to venture into Helenas eyes, willingly losing himself in those dark circles that captured his heart in a second. Her eyes flutter and she leans forward not realising how close her bare elbow is to her meal, with a yelp she stumbles slightly as her heel catches the bottom of the table. Tim's up in a heartbeat, well- the speed of Helena's heartbeat. Grasping her elbows he steadies her. "Careful" he whispers.


Her eyes widen, an eruption of laughter rolls off of her tongue, sending shivers down his spine and sending the whole of the restaurants attention onto the standing couple, eyes clouding with slight recognition but settling on the idea that the two need to be alone, away from the recognition, fame- just the two of them as single beings, reconnecting the way they once did, they figured that love was like a war- every day was different and full of surprises, nobody knew what the result would be and just like conflict, anything could happen at any moment...

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