Character Info: Ariana Malfoy

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Name: Ariana Melania Malfoy.
Born: 5 June, 1980, Great Britain.
Blood Status: Pure-blood.
Marital Status: Married.
Nationality: British.
Ari (by friends).
Lioness (by friends).
Little Lioness (by friends).
Storm (by 2 Generation of Marauders).
Titles: Perfect.
Species: Human.
Family Members:
Lucius Malfoy (father).
Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) (mother).
Draco Malfoy (twin brother).
Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) (sister-in-law) †.
Scorpius Malfoy (nephew).
Daphne Greengrass (sister-in-law).
Devin Petersen (husband).
Alexises Petersen (daughter).
David Petersen (son).
Abraxas Malfoy (paternal grandfather) †.
Cygnus Black III (maternal grandfather) †.
Druella Black (née Rosier) (maternal grandmother) †.
Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) (maternal aunt) †.
Andromeda Tonks (née Black) (maternal aunt).
Rodolphus Lestrange (maternal uncle by marriage).
Edward Tonks (maternal uncle by marriage).
Delphini (maternal first cousin).
Nymphadora Lupin (née Tonks) (maternal first cousin).
Remus Lupin (maternal first cousin-in-law).
Phineas Nigellus Black (maternal ancestor) †.
Ursula Black (née Flint) (maternal ancestor) †.
Armand Malfoy (paternal ancestor) †.
Malfoy family.
House of Black (maternal family).
Petersen family (in-laws).
Greengrass family (in-laws).
Rosier family (maternal relatives).
Crabbe family (maternal ancestors).
Bulstrode family (maternal ancestors).
Flint family (maternal ancestors).
Devin Moorland.
Boggart: Dementor.
Wand: 11 inches, holly, dragon heartstring.
Patronus: Lioness.
Animagus: Lioness (Registered).
House: Gryffindor.
Malfoy family.
House of Black.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Gryffindor. Gryffindor Quidditch team.
Second Generation of Marauders.
Harry Potter.
Dumbledore's Army.
Order of the Phoenix
British Ministry of Magic: Auror Department.
Part-time employee at Gringotts Wizarding Bank.
Ariana is a slender and graceful girl. She has long and wavy light blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. She sometimes has her bangs tied back into a braid or a ponytail. She has a light beige complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. Her eyes are blue like the sea that seemed to be alight with spirited fire. She carries an air of beauty and elegance like a princess. She is always seen wearing a leather necklace with a golden dragon charm around her neck.
Ariana revealed that when she put her mind to it, she could look truly beautiful — she used Sleekeazy's Hair Potion to make her hair sleek and shiny, and her hair frames her face with a fringe parted on the right side and a side braid placed over her left shoulder. She was wearing a dress made of a sleek, turquoise material threaded in gold, and she held herself differently.

When Ariana's in her lioness form, she's slender and graceful. She has a light tan pelt with creamy highlights around her paws, belly, muzzle and eyelids. She also has a diamond shaped marking on her forehead, and a single dot near the corner of each of her blue eyes.
As a child, Ariana was sarcastic, quick-witted, headstrong, and rebellious. She constantly sought new adventures, to the point that she would disobey her father, Lucius Malfoy. When confronted by her mistakes, Ariana often reacted with defensiveness and pride, and strongly asserted her opinions. She questioned her own identity, wishing to be an individual rather than the role she had been born and molded to be. Even so, she was friendly and kind-hearted, showing respect for the muggle-borns and werewolves, Hermione Granger and Remus Lupin. Even when young, Ariana did not share her father's views, as she was willing to befriend muggle-borns. She was quick to pick up on the cultural differences between Houses. But she always loves and cares for Draco, the siblings cares for one another and protected each other in times of danger.
However, Ariana proves to be both beautiful and capable; she is also fiery and independent and will not be hesitate to stand up to others. She also displays her courage and ability as a fighter, always intervening to stand up for what she feels is right. She isn't afraid of standing up to bullies and can show her empathy to those who hadn't showed her respect. Despite having suffered a great deal of prejudice in her life due to her family, she managed to retain an ability to see the good in almost everybody and is extremely forgiving as well as she's never quick to judge others from first glance or rumors. Ariana is also single-minded and stubborn as much as she is caring and kind. But she usually feels like an outcast because of her being different, which helped her strike a friendship with many friends.
Ariana Malfoy was born on 5 June 1980, alongside Draco Malfoy, to Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black), who were both born into old, wealthy pure-blood families. Both the Malfoys' and the Blacks had traditionally been in Slytherin House for centuries and strongly disapproved of any relatives who did not follow in this tradition, such as Andromeda Tonks (née Black) and Sirius Black.
Ariana's family were very proud of their pure-blood and social status; until 1996, they were able to maintain a respectable public image while being allied with Lord Voldemort. Lucius was a Death Eater who avoided imprisonment in Azkaban following the First Wizarding War by claiming that he had been under the Imperius Curse, while Narcissa merely agreed with the ideology of pure-blood supremacy.
But Ariana rejected these values, leading to conflict with her family except her brother. She even put permanent-sticking charms of Gryffindor banners, as well as a picture of herself and her Gryffindor friends on the walls of her room with tape to emphasise her differences from the family and annoy her father.
Magical aptitude: An academically strong student, Ariana quickly achieved such good results in her schoolwork that she received praise from most of their teachers, openly acknowledging her magical prowess to be exemplary. Her demonstrated tremendous ability and proved a cleverer student than most of her classmates, quickly mastering and becoming the best in most of the fields of magic taught at Hogwarts.
Love: Ariana loves her family unconditionally, being concerned when Draco wanted to help her. She had shown a deep love towards her friends as well as her family and is willing to do anything to protect her family.
Potions: Ariana is superbly talented in potion-making, she's able to advance to the high-level Potions class taught by Severus Snape, thus displaying her great proficiency for potion-making.
Flying: Ariana's flying skills were exceptional, beyond the array of aerial manoeuvres taught in Flying Class. She also understood that good Quidditch teams could been ruined due to Captains letting in their friends or playing the old faces, and wanted to not fall into that, showing her very strong dedication to success in this field.
Transfiguration: Ariana was remarkably skilful in Human Transfiguration that she was able to become an Animagus. She was also a high academic achiever in Transfiguration, showing her proficiency in this highly complex, scientific and even dangerous branch of magic.
Herbology: By Ariana's own admission, one of her favorite classes was Herbology. She's knowledgeable in various types of magical plant.
Healing Magic: Ariana knows advanced healing spells without getting any training or using herbs, including out in the field.
History of Magic: Ariana is very skilled in History of Magic, since her mother had taught her the history of magic.
Dark Arts: Though seldom a practitioner of the Dark Arts, Ariana was nonetheless surprisingly adept in its usage. But she had sworn to only use it if it's absolutely necessary.
Wandless and nonverbal magic: Ariana is apparently quite capable in casting nonverbal spells all without uttering a word.
Legilimency: Ariana was a natural-born and powerful Legilimen, like Severus Snape, thus giving her the magical ability to read and navigate the minds of others.
Occlumency: Ariana has the unerring ability to conceal her thoughts and feelings from external penetration proved to be crucial for her. She had unconsciously used Occlumency to protect herself from other Legilimens.
Spell Creation: Ariana has the ability to make new spells without trying to, including a very high level of difficulty of creating new spells.
Divination: Ariana was a natural-born Seer, meaning she could receive genuine visions of the future and past with her Inner Eye.
Astronomy: Ariana is skilled in Astronomy, she and her twin brother loved to stargaze together before going to bed.
Leadership Skills: Ariana was shown to be a very accomplished and talented leader, productively coordinating the group's efforts and inspiring fierce loyalty from them all.
Indomitable Willpower: The will of Ariana was extremely strong, and while not above self-doubt, she has never been known to give up on anything or anyone.
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Ariana learned how to cast numerous defensive and offensive spells under the instructions of her parents and teachers.
Dueling: Despite her young age, Ariana is a very competent duelist. She's able to outmatch many strong opponents. She had an uncanny ability for dodging her opponents' curses due to her agility and reflexes.
Charms: Ariana learned how to conjure a corporeal Patronus in the form of a lioness, which is an incredibly advanced, powerful and protective charm, as well as a mark of superior magical ability and talent, showing her proficiency for charm-work. She could also cast simple charms successfully without difficulty.
Nonverbal Magic: Ariana wordlessly stunned the Death Eater Bellatrix with the Stunning Spell, while at the Ministry of Magic. The fact that she could effectively cast it nonverbally is a testament of sorts to her skill, since non-verbal magic is highly difficult, high-level magic.
Care of Magical Creatures: She may have studied this subject before she gotten to Hogwarts. She discovered and classified many species that had never been encountered before. She was also shown to be very skilled at handling various magical creatures showing her proficiency in Magizoology.
Study of Ancient Runes: Ariana is able to read that issue's segment written in Ancient runes upside down, heavily implying she was able to understand and translate such runes. This also implies that she may have studied the subject at Hogwarts.
Second Generation of Marauders:
Harry Potter: Stag. Prongslet.
Neville Longbottom: Elk. Fleetfoot.
Jaxon Black: Black Dog. Paddy.
Devin Moorland: Lion. Thunder.
Ariana Malfoy: Lioness. Storm.
Conor McFenray: Werewolf. Khonsu.

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