Chapter Thirteen

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Thirteen: Red and Panic

Mature for mention of self harm and light depiction of blood. Read at your own risk.

The meeting proceeded without disruptions. Iliana, sensing Ginny's sadness, did most of the job. However, Ginny lead the meeting and explained A to Z about Smithson and Co. and why they should collaborate with them. The guest company loved the presentation as well as Ginny's performance and decided to collaborate with Smithson and Co.

Pleased with the outcome, Madam Lithuvika applauded Ginny as well as Iliana and an absent Harry for it was his beginning speech that caught the guests from sleeping on the first slide. Madam Lithuvika even secretly told Iliana and Ginny that the trio will soon be getting a promotion. Iliana was ecstatic but Ginny, on the other hand was not really happy. It was, after all, because of this meeting that she had met Harry and fought with him.

Ginny highly regretted treating him like that, especially after his emotional speech of family. She did not know how to mend things back right now. They never had fights, let alone such a heated one. Even if they did, he would be the first person to soften and make up to her. In those rare occasions, he would take her out to some park or they would just have a relaxing evening, sitting on the loveseat in their manor and spending the whole day together.

Currently, the redhead was on her bed in her flat. Traitorous tears rolled down her cheek as she sat huddled with her arms holding her knees. Her head bent low, she was unable to get the last fight's memory out of her brain. What had he meant that he would never be hers once again. . .? Did he mean that he was going to move on and find someone else. . .? What had he meant when he said that she won't be seeing him by the break of the dawn. . .? Did he mean that he was leaving the country? Or worse. . . Ginny could not even think about such a possibility. She shook her head, trying to get the utter negative thoughts out of her mind. She knew that she needed someone right now. Someone who would be her shoulder to cry on. Someone to whom she could confess everything and ask for advice. Someone reliable. . .and loyal. Iliana was one person she could think of but then, Iliana was never the person to poke around with others' lives. She was such an introvert that she would not say anything other than a small, 'oh'. The next person whom she thought of would be the best solution.


Hermione Granger-Weasley was utterly confused. It was a rare occasion to see the brightest witch of her age confused. In fact, that highly shocked her husband, Ronald Weasley that he thought he would faint but the scenario in front of him made him stay strong. . .just externally.

Ever since Harry was released from Azkaban, he had no place to go. With the compensation he received for his false imprisonment, he rented a flat in muggle London. This flat of his was near Ron and Hermione's house which made it easier for the trio to visit each other often. During one of such visits, the pair had apparated into an abandoned and very messy flat. They never apparated into the flat unless there was an emergency but this time, they had the need to do it as the front door was not opening. It was sealed magically from inside and no matter how loud they called for Harry, he would not answer. This caused them to apparate into his flat without permission. Normally, Hermione would have considered this rude and would have opposed it as soon as it was proposed but this time, she consented and the pair now found themselves highly worried and baffled.

The scene in front of them was the reason. Harry's normally clean and tidy flat was now the messiest place Hermione would have ever seen. Broken shards of glass littered the floor. Stacks of paper lay off to the side as several tidbits of the same paper lay haphazardly along with books. A broken vase was fallen and Harry's muggle television had a huge empty space where the screen should normally be. The walls of the house had cracks as if they had just withstood an earthquake of a very high magnitude.

The kitchen was basically on fire as small sparks of fiery red flames were burning several of the cookery items. Black smoke was seen coming from the kitchen causing Ron to panic and put the fire out using water producing charms.

Hermione carefully vanished all the glass pieces and repaired the walls whilst Ron worked on the kitchen and the paper rubbish which were lying on the floor. It took them a mere minute before everything was back to as normal as it was.

"Ron! Where is Harry?!" Hermione asked, sounding worried.

"I don't know, Hermione! How am I supposed to know? You are the one who knows everything! Do something then!" Ron retorted back.

"You are right," Hermione said and waved her wand. "Homenum Revelio."

There was no reaction, which made the pair worry even more. Harry was not at home. Hermione looked around and spotted the bedroom door. She smacked her forehead wondering why she forgot that there was a bedroom. The duo walked over to the closed bedroom door and called out for the best friend to open the door though they knew that he was not in. They did not wait for five minutes like they waited outside. They were planning to apparate into his bedroom and search for more clues when a mediocre white wisp of a corporeal patronus flew into the window and over to Hermione.

"Hermione. Please come over to my house. I-I met him and it ended b-badly. . . I-I n-need y-your help, p-please! M-my patronus will lead you to my h-house," Ginny's voice stuttered as the horse in front of the brunette bowed. Hermione nodded. So, this was the reason behind his absence and all the traces of accidental magic caused due to anger and rage.

"Ron, check his bedroom. You know his s-state. He's depressed as it is and I don't think we have to rescue him from-" Hermione let her sentence blank as her brown eyes turned misty. Ron nodded and hugged her for a second before Hermione apparated and the wisp of the white light disappeared. Ron sighed deeply before using a very complex auror level unlocking charm and walking into the messy bedroom.

The bedroom looked as if it was hit with a tornado of sorts but something else caught the youngest Weasley male's eye. There was blood on the mattress of Harry's bed and a sharp knife lay beside it, trickling down more of the red fluid on the floor.

Decided to end it here. Okay, I think this story is officially mature right now. As I said before, this story contains some of my life experiences and whatever said above would have really opened to me. . .

However, I do not encourage suicidal thoughts. I am writing this story to discourage it and give some optimism and all the support I can give, to those suffering people who experience such tough days. Do not worry, God shall help us soon.

I hope you liked the chapter. Nothing much happened besides the ending part which is crucial for the the further chapters. To those who are offended by the ending, I'm truly sorry. This is a teen fic and read at your own risk. However, I promise you that nothing more mature than depression and self harm will show up in this story.

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

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