Just the way it is

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It was just a normal morning in the Forrest-hill house hold, Jessica lived with her brother James and his girlfriend Hannah, it really was only Jessica that lived there before but she's a bit of a scaredy-cat so she asked her brother and his girlfriend if they fancied living together for a while so Jessica could get used to her house.

"Jess is it alright if Kieran comes round later"James asked "yeah that's fine" Jessica replied, Jessica and Kieran never really had a friendship they always used to argue over football as Kieran was a Celtic fan and Jessica was a Hibernian supporter as she supported her dads team and James supported there mums, there was always tension in the house when the teams played one another.

"Ill get it" Jessica yelled as she heard the door " thank you" Hannah yelled from upstairs "oh hi Kieran how are you" Jessica asked surprised "aye I'm alright, but you aren't after the league cup final" Kieran suggested "no Kieran don't even it was ridiculous, like we scored and then about 40 seconds after use did"Jessica complained "as much as I'm glad we won it and all but our first goal was completely off side, and use should've had a Penalty" Kieran admitted "you did play really well though, man of the Match for Celtic 100%" Jessica said "thanks Jess" Kieran thanked the blonde "tea, coffee of juice"Jessica yelled from the kitchen "can I have a tea please" Kieran replied "of course I'll be a minute"Jessica yelled "where's James" Kieran asked "oh he's just nipped to the shop should be back in a minute"Jessica replied a few seconds later they heard the door open "I'm home" a voice yelled from the front door "see Kieran I was right"Jessica joked "don't even Jess" Kieran replied. James and Kieran have been Close since they were young so they are always together, they play for Celtic together that was always there dream and luckily it came true, after a while Jessica heard her phone ringing and saw it was her dad, "hi dad" Jess said "hey honey I've got tickets for the hibs game on Wednesday if your up for it" her dad asked "yeah I'll come should I just come to yours straight from work then?" Jessica replied "yeah I've got your scarf here from the last time anyways" he said "ok dad sounds good, love you bye" Jessica said goodbye to her dad and then got on with making dinner she presumed Kieran was staying for tea so she made extra.

"James and Hannah seem to be talking about something serious up there so I'm gonna sit with you for a bit if that's fine" Kieran asked "yeah of course what do you want to do" Jessica asked "let's play monopoly" Kieran suggested after seeing the game in the corner "it's gonna be boring just us two but sure" Jessica admitted "hey I am not boring" Kieran said in a girl tone making Jessica chuckle a bit "alright can I be the dog" Jessica asked "yeah I'll be the car" Kieran said "the car what are you five" Jessica joked "no I just love cars Jessica, yes I'm a 23 year old who loves cars" Kieran admitted "omg I am so calling you car boy" Jessica squealed "fine, anyway let's play" Kieran asked. "OMG YES I WON" Jessica squealed as she won the game "I was soooo Close" Kieran complained "well car boy I guess you've just met the monopoly pro" Jessica teased "well I guess that means we need a re-match to see you really is the pro here" Kieran said "I guess we do" Jessica replied, everyone had there dinner and Kieran decided to stay on the spare room as I was late.

Jessica went to bed and realised how much nicer Kieran was than she realised, he was such a good person, and loved a joke, Jessica was happy she had finally found herself liking Kieran, but she just hoped it was just as friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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