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A car came zooming by, splashing me with a puddle as they did. I waved a middle finger, but I do not think they saw it. The sky was a navy blue scattered with stars with a large yellow silvery moon in the middle. The street is empty, only I am stupid enough to be walking in the middle of the night because I do not want to be at home, and I also cannot sleep but the thing is I do not know why I cannot sleep.

I am aimlessly walking down a deserted street with a bottle of vodka and my phone. The vodka is almost empty and my phone almost out of charge. I do not know where I am, and I am wasted. I took one last swig of liquor and finish the bottle. My dad is going to kill me but, I am not really fussed.

I think I must have passed out after the car came rushing past because I do not remember getting home.


This is not my house. This is to posh to be mine and my room is not white it is black and red. Where the hell am I. I tried to scream but there was tape over my mouth not only that my legs and arms were cuffed to the bed. I was dressed in silk black pyjamas that were actually quite comfy. I must have sat there for about 10 minutes then a man waltzed in, a tall man with slick back hair, a black suit that outlined his biceps perfectly.

"Finally, you woke up" sighed the man. He strolled over to where I was and ripped the tape of my mouth. It hurt but I did not wince away. I think he noticed that because of his concerned look on his face.

"Now I am going to unhandcuff you only if you promise not to run, scream, call the police or hurt me or yourself". I processed it for a minute and agreed. I looked him dead into his dreamy Sapphire blue eyes and promised. He undoes the handcuffs and I sit up getting a better look at everything. This man is packed with muscle. You can tell because through is white shirt you can see the outline of his abs and he has really veiny hands too. "Okay little one enough gawking. Tell me about yourself and why you did not wince at the pain I caused you, which was by accident by the way. Also, about the bruises my maid saw on your body when she changed you out of that rather sexy dress you had on."

I explained how I was 18 about to take my A levels hoping to get into UCL, the university college of London and do a course on animal care/ conservation and wildlife photography. He sat on the end of the bed next to me looking at me really fascinated about what I had to say, no one ever listened let alone a man. I went on and on about school, parties, and friendships. Carried that on for about an hour till he interrupted me "sweet heart, I asked you a question would you like to answer it for sir."

I answered his question though... ohhhhhhh that one.

I started to explain my family. My mum dies when I was little, so I was raised by my dad. My dad was a big muscular man because he was a brick layer and construction worker. He was also an alcoholic, when he was drinking, he would hit me, through things at me and hurt me because I was a disappointment to the family name. By this point I was sobbing my eyes out making this man's shirt wet, he was giving me head scratches which made me smile because I was not used to male affection. He whispered in my ear "everything is going to be okay now I promise princess." What was it with this man, the pet names the affection, I have only known this man like 2 hours, and he acts like we are dating? He pulled me onto his lap and cuddled me properly in silence for about half an hour till he heard my stomach growl. "Do you want to get some chocolate chip pancakes? I know a place that makes the best." I smiled and nodded my head, so he called in his housecleaner, Chloe was her name. she seemed really nice. He walked away to let meget dressed into something new.

Chloe picks out a dress with stars on, a pair of doc martens and a denim jacket so I do not get cold

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Chloe picks out a dress with stars on, a pair of doc martens and a denim jacket so I do not get cold. "Perfect, you look amazing" she squealed like a teenager. I asked her what her bosses name was because he never told me. "It's Zack love." As she walked out.

Zack walks back in and eyes me up and down lingering at my exposed thighs, "you ready to go darling?" still flicking his eyes to my thighs, I nodded my head. He placed a hand on my back and opened the door for me to walk out, he takes me down stars and out to his car collection. This man is rich, fucking hell.

 This man is rich, fucking hell

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He led me to the Aldi r8. It was matte black and look expensive. He opens my car door for me to get in then got in the other side. He placed his hand on my thigh and we set off to wherever he was taking me. we drove for about 20 minutes and stopped at this café called Rochelle's River side café. It looked really posh.

He helped me out of the car, and we were swarmed with paparazzi and people of the café. He was still holding my hand. We were flooded with questions of how we got together? And if we where actually a couple? And what happened to the other girls?

Who is this man? Was he a celebrity, a model, he's hot enough for that, CEO of a company?

Word count-1049

This is my new book and I will try and update with college and exams going on soon

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