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I am 37 yeast old, 165 cm slim with a curvaceous body with boobs of a developing teenager, not my fault I wasn't there when God was giving boobs but I can't complain cause I'm sexy as hell, at least that's what I think and have been told many times. I am a dark shade of brown like Laureen Hill, full lips and brown eyes.

I have a good job and have been supporting myself since I started my career after finishing university. My greatest accomplishment was becoming mother to 2 beautiful daughters Ava and Ariana, they are my life and I literally leave my bed in the morning because I want to give them the world. I'm a family person very close with my sister and my parents that have been together for 40 years, like how in the hell did they manage?! My sister is a my baby sis I love her and we laugh a lot she's practically a second mom to my daughters and have been very supportive of me even more after what happened with my failed mariage.

So like I've said my mariage failed despite us having 2 children together and being in love for almost ten years, the idiot left me one morning without any explanation just hopped and left. I guess some people have a hard time assuming their decision. I was devastated but I never let it show, don't blame me appearance are everything and when people want you to die; make sure you take it  while smiling so that they can't fully get satisfaction or better save yourself.

Of course I loved the dude so I tried like any woman would to fix us but it didn't work out despite every attempt I made; mind you that he was not providing for us once he left but I still pursued him until that fateful night where he had come home and left in the middle of the night, I had to face the truth there was nothing left to be saved.

I had to go through therapy to try and heal while being the best mom I could be to a 2 year old toddler and a 8 months baby, while going to work everyday I couldn't let my kids starve and bills pile up. I had to discover who I was after all that happened and how I could move on to be happy again. Some days I would lock myself in the bathroom so I could cry and other days I would stay awake the whole night just thinking how it was possible that I was going to raise 2 kids alone.

4 years down the line I am doing better, the divorced was pronounced, I wasn't bitter anymore, I was happy, had learn to masturbate even bought some sex toys (damn these are a girl best friend) because a woman has needs and I wasn't ready for another man while going through my shit.

Now that I'm ready to date, mingle, have sex and everything in between, the only question is where are the men? I mean where do single mums meet guys? Since I don't go out much, I decided to try bunch of online dating, dating app, even asked some friends if they could match me and all .

I got to meet few people through these different channels and let me tell you dating is hard and funny at the same time. My girls say that I'm more complicated now than before in my preference or criteria which I don't believe but let me tell you this, I'm not under any pressure and I smell bullshit from the go and I don't entertain it.

So here's the first chapter, what do you think of Bree?
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