Day by day

69 5 18

Bree looked at Yohann and noticed that he wasn't trying to be funny, he had all intentions to execute his words from the look on his face, which made her think of the time he almost destroyed the door of her apartment. He could be violent at time and she wasn't ready to experience that.

"Ok, I'm not saying a thing because I'm not interested in going to see you behind bars."

"I don't think I want to be lied to Bree, I'm not that type of man. If you think you can manipulate me you'd better fix these thoughts cause I always have a step ahead. Now who is the guy that is pursuing you against your will."

"Who say there was a man, I ..."

The look in his eyes was so cold that he started to look frightening, he pulled the car aside and stopped the engine. Bree was shocked she couldn't believe the situation was escalating so fast.

"I love you Bree, that I am certain of but what I don't know is how unstable and stupid you think I am"

He paused then started talking to a full on mute Bree, "what was Adam doing in your office this afternoon talking about feeding you and kissing you."

"Excuse me, how do you know this?"

"So it's true, this is not some edited footage?!" He was more stating a fact rather than asking the question. Luckily for Bree she had mentioned that something had happened she just didn't know that the story had traveled to her man before she even got to say anything.

As calmly as she could in this situation, « first I want you to change the way you are talking to me right now cause it's not acceptable, second Adam did come to my office and ended up leaving like a dog with his tail between his legs, third before meeting you I had a lapse of judgment and let him kiss me once, only one time and went back with blue balls cause I wasn't ready for anything more involving him and me. And lastly the way you tore my vagina do you really think I can let another man close to me the way you have me dickmatized. »

Yohann erupted in laughter couldn't believe that his Bree was saying all that while keeping a straight face. When he was done laughing he pull out his phone and played a short clip where Adam was seen entering Bree 's office and part of their conversation heard. The video conveniently stopped at Bree saying Adam as if she was trying to hide a secret lover.

She saw red and understood the psychopathic behaviour of a minute ago.

« So him coming to my office was a setup! I can't believe this like I needed some delulu in my life. »

« I received it about 15 minutes before coming to pick you up, I won't lie but the things I thought aren't pretty but ultimately I want to get rid of him. »

« We are not getting rid of anybody, stop saying things like that you are a foreigner in people's country, he has connections in high places anything you do to him won't go unnoticed. Don't do something stupid on my account. This thing we have I want us to nurture and grow it. »

She was getting emotional so she stopped talking, this is movie like type of mess. How could someone stoop so low as to fake an encounter.

« Did you think I was cheating on you ? When you got the video, is that why you said you were not to be played with? Don't you have some faith in me? »

« Love is not a rational feeling Bree, nothing I feel for you is. I think of you a hundred times, I miss you when I've just dropped you at work; I imagine myself being a father to your kids, you bewitched me only for you to want to keep me on the low! How is that fair hmmm! »

So this whole thing brought them back to this morning conversation, turns out Yohann was hurt by Bree statement and him going all alpha on her was his defence mechanism.

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