Finding Out

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There's only one way to stop her, Yohann aimed for Bree's waist while bending down so that she doesn't touch him, he went so fast that Bree didn't realize that she was being ported in the air. "Baby, I want you to calm down you'll wake up the kids please." "the kids, oh my God, put me down" "promise you won't attack me again" "put me down Yohann, after what you just did I should call the police" "I'm so sorry, I promise baby it will never happen again." "of course it won't".

Yohann put Bree down and she went straight at the door "get out" "baby wait" "I said get out before I call the police and don't even think of coming here again" "I beg you can we talk about it? Please?" "Yohann, I don't understand what went wrong with you and how I became the target of your assault but what I know is if you don't leave my house now the police will get involved".

Yohann left his head hanging low, she did not even look at him while he was exiting, the pain he felt was unreal, how did they move from lovey-dovey to being chased away because of him attacking her.

Bree made sure that she saw Yohann leave in his car before locking her door and going back to her bedroom. She checked her neck it was starting to bruise how strong is this man really, I'll have to hide this the whole week cause I can't explain that my companion had a rage moment.

She put some music to calm her nerves and relax then went on to check her phone, who could be, Yohann talked about calling but didn't mention text see who it is.

Adam: welcome back beautiful, I'm looking forward to seeing you again.

Adam : are you home yet? Can we hangout I've missed you?

Adam: is everything okay. I hope you are home safe +?!

Adam: just tell me you're fine

Clara Lagos : who was that with you at the party?

Anaedo: I would love to have your feedback on the dress and the event gossip of course. Take care

Well it looks like I had made quite an impression, but sorry guys I don't want to fuel gossip stories,
I'll respond to Anae but that's it.
Let me shower and call it a day, I can't do anything right now.

Yohann POV

He was driving toward his place but needed to talk to someone so he called his friend who lived on the other side of the world.

"Thomas, how is you bro" "this better be important cause I'm about to go make love to my wife and it's been 2 weeks since the last time I can't be wasting any minute" "are you serious 2 weeks?! Your balls must be heavy right now." Yohann started laughing "shut up you stupid, sex isn't all that" "says the man who can't spare a minute for his best friend because pussy is calling" "us married men don't get it as often as you manwhores" "come on not this again, having options isn't whoring. Besides, I don't have anyone on my roster these days" "hmmm".

"Is everything okay with you? You can't tell me there only ugly women in that country, is that why you can't set up your harem" "no they have beautiful women, don't be ridiculous" "so they don't like you, they're not throwing themselves at you?" "Is that even possible for women not to want me?" "okay so what's up?" "the girl I'm seeing, she chased me from her place because I strangled her, in my defense I heard her said that she was calling her boyfriend, I saw red I thought she was using me to cheat on another man".

"So you have assaulted a woman because you were jealous? Who are you and where is my friend because Yohann LeBlanc doesn't give a shit about no woman you'd have fucked and dumped her before the second date. Now I want to know more about her so I'll call tomorrow but go home and don't call her just text to apologize do as I say. "

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