1. call

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Gaon pov.

It's been 5 years since the bomb incident..and my closest friend Soo Hyun death and the last time I met Judge Kang..

Time past by so fast..

Judge Oh quit her job last year to help her parents in her home town and rarely visits. Since I don't really like to interact with other people so I don't have any friends or family to rely to..as time has past I realised I've been a workoholic these days and rarely had eat or slept.

As I was lost in my thoughts I hear my phone ring..'it's been a long time since I've heard it' I thought.

"Hi Judge Kim it's me jinjoo"

"Judge Oh?!"

"Okay but no need to shout my ears hurt"

"Sorry about that but how are you, how have your live been , it's been a long time since we've talked right??"

"I understood that you miss me but one question at one time please"

"How are you"

"I fine and I'm doing great and you??"

'there as a short silence..'

"I'm fine"

'there heard a bit crack in his voice'

"Are you sure? You don't really sound fine.."

"I'm fine. So.. how is it there?"

"It's good but I have to clean a cow dung twice a week which I found very annoying "

A little laugh could be heard

"Your mocking me right??"

"No it's not me"

"Than who? Kang Yohan??"

..silence is filled in the room again..

"I'm sorry-"

"No it's okay it's not my fault he left"


"Talk to you later jinjoo I'm a bit tired"


'A beep could heard'

I don't know why but I suddenly feel dizzy and falled down.

"Wh-where's- m- medic- cine"

I tried to grab it but I failed and fainted.

Hi this is your author-nim. Well this is my first ever ff or fanfiction written by me so don't expect much. There are maybe some typos so please ignore it. I'll post once in a week. Well, enough of that and happy late new year by me hope you live your best in this year too goodnight 💕


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