Part 2 - Day out

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I was alone. Ever since dad left, he never came back. Could he still be out there? I doubt it. It's been 4 years and he's yet to return. Ever since then, I've had to feed and take care of myself. Luckily Reiner insisted that I join the Liberio internment zone where I can train more to become a Warrior candidate. Ever since then, I've worked hard and tried my best to get stronger. I get food and shelter, but it's not the same without dad or you here, Annie. why won't you just come back? Me and Reiner miss you. These 4 years have been painful. I've never felt so alone. Thankfully Reiner has been here to help me get through tough times. I think I might like him. But of course, I will never have the balls to tell him just like I never had the balls to tell dad about the vase I broke and he had to find out all by himself. I hope when we rescue you, you'll help me with confessing? I'm kidding, he probably doesn't even like me. Me and Pieck have gotten a lot more closer, remember her Annie? She was the shy and quiet kid who always sat alone. Turns out we have a lot in common! She introduced me to her friend Porco a few days ago. Which reminds me, about 3 weeks ago I was chosen to be the welder of the War Hammer Titan. I know I should be happy but I can't seem to feel at least a drop of enthusiasm. I try to feel something, anything. But no. I feel nothing at all. I'm not even scared that I'll be dying in the next 13 years. What did you feel when you got chosen as the Female Titan? Anyway, I'll be going now, I believe Pieck is waiting for me at a café near our old house. Goodbye warm koala, I'll talk to you again soon.

I laughed through my nose as I wrote Annie's nickname I gave her back when we were kids in my diary. I got up silently while shutting my diary and placing it on my desk. I started tieing my hair with my right hand while putting on my shoe with my left. 'I think what I'm doing is multitasking?' I thought trying to recall what Reiner had explained to me about Eldian vocabulary back at Paradis island. As I was about to finish tieing my shoes I heard a knock on my door. 

"Hm?" I questioned myself. I wasn't expecting visitors. As I was about to reach for the doorknob, a letter had slid through the tiny gap underneath the door. I tilted my head slightly still confused as to who would send me a letter. I bent down to grab it from the floor and checked for any clues as to who sent me this. But all I could find was my name is clean and cursive writing.

Y/n Leonhart

As I was about to open the letter and start reading what this mysterious person wanted to inform me, I remembered my plans with Pieck and didn't want her waiting. I placed the message on my bed as I secured my red armband on the upper part of my left arm. I hurriedly ran out of my apartment to the café we both had agreed on. As I was running I had accidentally bumped into a group of men and knocked one down with an injured leg. The impact was quite harsh causing him to lose his balance and fall on the side of his body. "Oh my, I am so sorry sir," I apologised as I helped him up. I noticed that his armband was on the wrong side, "Here sir, your armband's on the wrong arm." My eye catches his crutches were only a few feet away from us and immediately reached out to grab them. "Here you go sir, again I apologise for being so clumsy," I spoke once again while bowing and extending my arm and offering back his crutches. 

"That's alright, just watch where your going next time." He said in a surprisingly calm but warning kind of tone. He soon grabbed his crutches from my grasp while slightly grazing my fingers. I blushed slightly and looked up. His vibrant turquoise eyes burned through my (E/c) hues as if he'd known me for a long time. "Thank you I'll be on my way now!" I bowed slightly then ran off.

I soon reached my destination and looked around for Pieck. At the corner of my eye, I noticed a hand waving in my direction, which I shortly recognised as my fellow black haired friend. I started walking in her direction, mentally preparing myself to explain why I was half an hour late. HUH?! HALF AN HOUR? THAT LATE? GOD, SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!

I arrived in front of a very pissed off looking Pieck. The atmosphere was getting quite awkward as we stared at each other. "Haha, hello Pieck. Nice weather today-" I asked while getting cut off by my fellow Cart friend. "35 minutes. 35 minutes Y/n you had me waiting here on both my tired feet. Explain to me why?" She huffed out with crossed eyebrows.

"W-well you see-" I started,

"God Y/n, you better have a believable excuse or so I swear on Zeke's right buttcheek I will smack the living shit out of you."

"Well as I was getting ready to leave some random letter slipped through under my door and I couldn't help but be curious as to who it was so I opened it and then I remembered that we had plans at the cafe and as I was on my way here I bumped into this dude and he fell so I had to help him up as he was injured and I just couldn't leave him there so then I ran as fast as I could to get here and then-" I took a deep breathe in. 

"Hey, slow down tiger, I get it you were having troubles along the way," she spoke as she held my shoulders.

"So your not mad at me?" I questioned. 

"I guess not," Pieck answered with tired eyes.

"A-and I'm not getting slapped?" I asked, kinda hoping the answer would be a no.

"Nope." she reassured while popping the 'p' at the end.

I sighed and rested my shoulders in accomplishment as Pieck confirmed that I won't be getting slapped by her today. "Now, let's get lunch, I'm hungry." Pieck ordered and grabbed my hand while pulling with her through the big crowd causing us to bump into a few people. We soon came to a stop and were standing in front of the café. "Good afternoon, welcome to No.1 Marley café. A table for two?" The blonde woman asked while smiling softly. 

"Mhm." Pieck had answered for the both of us. "Of course, right this way ma'am." The blonde gestured her hand to follow her. Walking through the cafe, I could smell freshly made pancakes and instantly grew hungry. " Please call me when you are ready to order." She suggested and we nodded our heads. She left, nit before handing out our menu's. I opened mine and started rummaging through the pages so I can find the different options for their pancakes. "So," Pieck started. I had realised she kept staring at me ever since we sat down but thought nothing of it. 

"Whatcha getting? She suspiciously asked. "Pancakes." I simply replied.

"Eh? That plain?" she tilted her head to the side.

"Well, I'm getting the 'Marley special' which includes 2 eggs, bacon, a sausage, potato cubes and 3 pancakes." She said with a big smile on her face as she looked up from her menu to see me with wide eyes and lips parted. I gulped down the lump I had felt at the back of my throat and called for the blonde we had met earlier.

"Ready to order ma'am?" She questioned. "Yep," I replied. "Can we get 1 strawberry vila pancake and one Marley special," I said. "Coming right up!" She responded with enthusiasm. After some time of waiting for our food, it had gotten silent, only when Pieck decided to break it. She said,


"Hm," I responded in acknowledgement.

Pieck said something which caught me by surprise. "So tell me about this guy you bumped into on your way here."


E/c = eye colour.


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