Coming over!

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After a week
Oswald POV

I texted Felix because my kids wanted him to come over. Once I sent the text one of my kids said to me
"Dadda do you love momma?"
At first I thought they were talking about Ortensia so I told them
"Yeah, God I miss your mother"
My kid stared at me and said
"No Felix!"
When they said that I lightly blush but then I said
"Hm, no I don't love him"
My kid then left me alone. I don't like Felix like that, we're both guys so it would be weird. But I did want to stay with him forever but still I don't love him.. Right?

Felix POV

Oswald sent me a text saying
"My kids wants you to come over"
I sent
"Oh alright! Be there in 20 minutes"
Honestly I was excited because it been so long when I last seen Oswald's kids and him. I got ready and sheda smiled at me and said
"Oooh~ are you going on a date?"
I immediately said
"No! I'm just going to someone's place so I could take care of their kids, nothing else"
Sheda smiled and said
"Alright, but don't come back late"
When she said that I knew that I'll be late to come back home. I sighed and said
After ten minutes I make it to Oswald's house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and said
"Well you're here early"
I chuckled nervously when he said that and then I look behind him, checking if the kids are there. Then I look back to Oswald and said
"Where are the kids at? Sorry it's just I love your kids, I really want to see them again!"
Oswald stared at me and said
"Oh there are in their room"
Oswald realized that we were still at the door way so he let me in and said
"Sorry for the hold up"
I told him
"It's alright"
Honestly I do make those mistakes as well. I started walking towards the kid's door and knocked on the door and one of the kids opened it and immediately jump on me and yelled out
"Momma Felix!"
I hugged them and walk into their room.

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