Chapter 8

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Shizuka: Oh my God!!

She jumps up-and-down in place before saying that she remembers her friend's phone number

Alex: Took you long enough...

Takashi: Yup

Shizuka: Well anyway she in the S.A.T, so she must be alive... More importantly, one of you give me your phone.

Alex hands over his military grade phone and she proceeds to dail up her friend

???: Hello

Shizuka: Rika... Oh thank God you're alive

Rika: Where are you... My place?

Shizuka: That place isn't good anymore... oh and we borrowed your gun...

Rika: that's fine... Just tell me where you are right...

Then a bright light covers whole sky

Alex: God Damnit...

Takashi: what happened?

Saya:that light... no way

Alex: Rei and Miku check your scope for a red dot. I'll do the same

They look through the scope and finds that can't see through it

Saya: Just like I thought...

Alex: Yeah...

It cuts to multiple people wondering what just happened

Takashi: H.A.N.E?

Saya: High Altitude Nuclear Explosion.

Alex: In other words an EMP

Saya goes on to explain how one works before her father surprises her

Mr.Takagi: is there a way to fix it?

Saya:  If we can find some parts unaffected or without the circuits than maybe...

Mr.Takagi:  I'm surprised of how you've been able to stay calm during all this... you deserve my praise

Saya: Daddy...


Everyone turns towards the barricade to find a man shooting while running before he gets grabbed and eaten

Alex: Close the gate NOW

Mr.Takagi: yes close it immediately

???: But sir... we still have men outside...

Mr.Takagi: If we don't close it now... we'll lose a lot more

After this comment a few workers run and close the game but for one gets in.
But Hirano took care of it

Then they saw Ms.Takagi ripping her dress for more mobility and handing Saya a gun

Takagi ripping her dress for more mobility and handing Saya a gun

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Hirano: that's a Lugar P-08

Everyone looks over at the gate to find that it's being pushed back
Then the gate flies open releasing all zombies into the estate

Alex and his friends attack for survival

You all start to retrieve well also take me some of them along the way

Alex walk up to Mr.Takagi after he finish talking to Hirano.

Alex: Take care, sir. We'll keep in contact

Mr.Takagi: Take care of my daughter and yourself.

Alex: Will do.

Alex and his friends run towards the garage to find it empty.

Saya: Mado

He describes how the Humvee is triple copper plated it so it survived the EMP
and needs repairs. Everyone defends while the repairs are going

Then Alex saw Rei being hold down by a zombie

Then Alex saw Rei being hold down by a zombie

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Alex: Rei!

He kicks the zombie and blown its head off with his ARC
Then Miku saw Alex from being bitten from behind

Mado: It's all ready.

Everyone got on board except Mado stay a defend

Shizuka floor it and tips over to pass through a narrow passage.
They were able to escape

Alex took out his talkie and contact Mr.Takagi

Alex: Mr.Takagi we are clear. what's your status?

Mr.Takagi: We were able to escape.

Alex: Excellent. Take care, sir. See you soon.

The sun was now starting to rise.  The engine then starts to stutter and stall guess it's time to move. Alex slip my hands into Rei's and Miku's and they look at me.  Alex smiled at them and they smiled back. Alex kiss their forehead.  We all exit out of the humvee
And look towards the horde that was in front of us I love new magazine into the rifle and cock the operating handle. here we go

 here we go

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P.S. I will doing the OVA episode that was shown in this anime

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