Chapter 11

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After fight through the zombies, Alex and everyone arrived at Shintoko 3rd Elementary School.
Alex and everyone were checked for bites and all.
Rei and Kiriko were reunite with Ms.Miyamoto and Alex introduced himself to Rei's father and was approved to be her daughter's boyfriend along with Shizuka and Miku.
Takashi even found his mom alive and well

Alex and his friends, were given a classroom to sleep and relax.

After 30 minutes, Mr.Takagi and Ms.Takagi arrived with their own group of survivors. Saya hugs them like never before.

Alex was on the roof and can't not believe he survived.

Then was hug by someone. He turns to see Rei, Miku, and Shizuka. They talk about the things they went through and were glad to be alive.

Alex: Girls I have to ask you something.

The girls listen

Then Alex got down into his knees and the girls were surprised.

He then pulls out a black box and opens it

He then pulls out a black box and opens it

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Alex: Rei, Miku, Shizuka... you gave purpose to continue on surviving and I'm grateful that you help me get through during this time of hellish

Alex: Will you marry me?

Rei, Miku, Shizuka: Yes

He puts the ring on them and kiss them

Next Day

The SDF choppers arrived. Everyone at Shintoko 3rd Elementary School board the choppers. Alex and his friends including Mr.Takagi and Ms.Takagi board the last chopper.

Rei was walking with his father then suddenly Alex saw the one person he hate
Shido out of nowhere grab Rei by the neck with a knife and Rei's father was shocked and  terrified


Rei tries to break free but she can't.

Then Alex took out his handgun and aims nice a gentle

He then fires it causing the knife to be blow off from his hand.
Alex runs to Shido while Rei runs to her dad.

He punches Shido and took his knife.

Alex: It's over

Shido: It's not over until I say so

Shido test him like he did to Rei back at Saya's house.

Alex then say a few zombies from behind

Alex takes a few steps back

Alex: I don't have will to kill you, but they do

Shido turns around and saw the zombies 

Shido: NOOOO!!

He shout as he gets eaten

Alex board the chopper and sits down as the chopper lift off. Then Alex was surrounded by his wives Miku on his left shoulder, Shizuka on his right shoulder, and Rei on his lap.

Everyone smiled and relief the nightmare is over and survived.

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