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That's all I could hear the first time I walked inside of the enormous house. The giant wooden doors opened revealing a grand entrance with a giant chandelier in the center of it. If you squinted your eyes a bit more, you could see the huge family portrait at the other end of the room. There were about ten or so, I can't really make how many they are. All I really know is that there was only one with me at the very moment I walked into the mansion grounds; and she didn't really give me a good aura. She actually frightened me... Not because of how she was incredibly skinny, pale and was wearing a black dress with spikes and chains all over it. But because she just screamed 'danger' when you looked at her. I just hope she doesn't hurt me. Even if I am taller than her, I somehow know she could hurt me in more than one way...

I hope I'm wrong.

"The rest of the Lannisters are waiting on the dinning room waiting for you." She said with sadness in her voice. Something about her also said that she was, somehow, a very depressed being... I wonder why... I mean, I don't know her, but she is now a part of my family...

Family... how I miss them... I wish that night had never happened. I wish I had never ran away from them in the first place... I ended up being trapped and taken away from them. To then be thrown in a dark forest and found by these people... I was grateful, but at the same time very scared. We all know that it is dangerous to find someone in these forests... Ludwig was a dark part of the country. I don't know how they even threw me out there in the first place. I mean, I never made anything to upset anyone.., And if I ever upset anyone, I would confront them and we would get into a fight and then solve it out...

My real family never really made an effort to step up for me. I doubted I was even part of their family in the first place. Maybe I was adopted, like these people did. Maybe they found me when I was very young, brain-washed and erased all my memories, and made me one of them. I am a hybrid anyway.. so maybe there is a story behind it after all. Still, I would never know. My parents never really liked talking about it when I asked them about my birth. They would say it was like any other vampire birth. Tho, I knew I wasn't just a vampire. I knew I had a wolf in me... I knew I was a werewolf as well. Yet, my parents never seemed to sense my other powers or wolf form since I begun changing when I was old enough... still... I somehow know they knew I was a wolf on the first place. They were both vampires, so how would I turn out to be a wolf? Yet I never once asked... maybe because, even if they never stepped up for me or liked me at times, they loved and tolerated me when I had my tantrums. Also, because they were there for me always.. they were, still, the only beings I could call parents; family.

I looked at her and she stared at me with her dark brown eyes. At least we have something in common. Yet, due to my hybridism, my eyes turn to red when I'm thirsty for blood and kind of yellowish when I'm about to change into a wolf. When it's both, they turn like a dark shade of red with yellow lines on the center. They look pretty cool, unless I'm pissed off. I never really fought anyone because people stopped messing with me when I was in eight grade. I used to defend myself a lot since no one really did and they all picked at me because I was different. Not just because of my hybridism, but because I have a strange syndrome not many people have. My face is strange, my eyelids barely have lashes and I kinda look like a lion, in a way. I've made research and then realized that it was true when I looked myself in the mirror. Still, even if it wasn't something to die for, kids would pick on me. They stopped when they saw me with my eyes turning the dark shade of red, almost black, with bright yellow rays through the center. I would hit them with the little strength I possessed back then, my height was a plus, too. It kept on that way until I decided to be myself and when I kinda took things more seriously.

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