~Chapter Fifty-Four~

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"I'm what?!"

I looked at Angel and he shrugged. A small smile was on his lips, and I knew so well that he knew this. But why couldn't he tell me?! This was important! Ugh!

"You have about seven months already." The Wiccan said and looked at my stomach again. "Yep. And it's a boy. So, start looking for names..."

I looked down at my stomach and touched it. I'm pregnant? With a boy? Seven months? How?! How didn't I know this?!

Angel and I left the Wiccan's tent and walked back to our apartment. He held my hand through all the way, making sure I wouldn't fall and get hurt. I still couldn't believe this. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. As in I'm carrying a baby in my womb.. A baby that probably belongs to Angel...

"I know you knew..." I said once we reached our room. He looked a bit apologetic, but really, I knew he wasn't. And maybe I didn't mind it, but it would've been nice for him to tell me.

"Surprise?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I love you, my sweet little Innocence."

I blushed and giggled. He never really called me like that. Or said he loved me. I just knew he did for his actions and the way he looked at me. But well, I didn't need him to tell me. I already knew it.

"Love you, too.." I said and he pecked my lips. "But I'm hungry, so feed us."

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. Us... There was an us in me. Soon, we will be three and not two. How will it feel? To be a mother? Would it be stressing? Will me baby become a vampire and werewolf like us? Is it okay that we have this baby even if we're not mates? So many... ah, I'm not even going to say it.

Angel left to get me food and I stayed in our room. I contemplated everything and then walked over to the small balcony to the side. I looked around Jarville and smiled. This was such a peaceful place. It was so... amazing. So different. I felt free here. Able to do and be whoever I want. It was great...

I kept staring out and rubbing my baby bump. All by myself in a relaxing peace. I heard someone humming and looked to the side, catching our neighbor, Felix, watering his plants. He was a very nice man. We would sometimes talk about many things like the weather here or where I came from and stuff like that.

He's French. He comes from the French side of the continent. Our world is just like the humans', only different. All the continents were similarly set, but the names and cultures were different. It's like an underworld, like a totally different world. It's like... a more supernatural world than planet earth in a whole different galaxy....

"Bonjour!" Felix greeted me and I waved back.

"Hello, Felix." I greeted him as well and he smiled.

"Such a lovely afternoon, oui?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, yes. It is a lovely afternoon." I agreed and smiled at him. "How's Marzia?"

He looked down at his pot of daisy flowers and watered it. A loving smile was plastered on his face. Marzia was his girlfriend. She lived across town with her mother. She was a very lovely and nice woman. Very friendly.

"She's great, beautiful as always..." He said dreamily and I smiled at him. He brushed back his caramel colored hair and looked at me. "How about you? How is Angel?"

I shrugged and looked towards the neighboring buildings. Truth is, things have been great between me and Angel during the months that have passed. He's been exceptional and just all around amazing. It's not like love love... I don't know what it is. But I think it's more than that. It's different, but amazing.

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