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None pov:

Later Lisa also got out of the washroom and then she madly left the party without even bothering to tell anyone anything.

Time skip after some days:

Lisa stopped following Mn since then.
Even though the emotions and strong unwanted attractions for Mn didn't went away yet from her head .
Still now she tries her best to avoid Mn as she knew how cringe Mns demands were !!!

Currently to refresh the mind ,Lisa was hanging out her big  friend circles at a local festival..
She was gossiping with her friends about some casual things when suddenly that topic got again lighten up by Jk .

Jk wanted to know that what happened at that party that both lisa and Mn madly left the party without even bothering to let anyone know about anything. 

So Jk asked Lisa about that day's incident. 

Lisa sighed at Jks sudden this kind of question and so she finally confessed the truth of that night.

Everyone except the BTS group members Jk,Tae and JM got shook after hearing the full truth of that night. 

Rose who was seemed too much shocked after knowing the full incident now said with an disgust. 

What kind of cringe he's??
He wants someone to directly marry him before dating or even getting to know anything about him ??

Lisa:(sighed sadly and replied in her upset tone)

Rose: He's so cringe,girl.. !!!

Tae:(now interrupted Rose from saying anything more with a little bit mad tone)
Stop !!
You don't know anything about him .
So please,stop judging him like this. 

All the blackpinks members:(got shook)

Lisa:(eagerly asked Tae with her eager tone)
What are you talking about Tae?
What do you know more about him which we don't know??

Tae:(only sighed and kept quiet)

JM :(answered on the behalf of Tae)
We know Mn since his childhood. 
And the extra truth that we know about him is , his life wasn't that easy as like as you guys think. 

BP members:..  (kept quiet and continued to listen)

Jk :(continued on the behalf of his boys)
Mn is bisexual ..
And in his past,he had been dumped by so many boys and girls. 
Including our Yg hyung too..

All BP members except Lisa:(got shook)What!!!

Lisa:(only kept quiet and continued to listen)

Jk : He had a deep relationship with Yg hyung for 3years .
We all thought that they were one of the best couple in the world. 
But soon our thoughts shattered by seeing Yg hyung too suddenly dumping him by having a deep illegal emotions for  his best friend Hobi. 

All :...     


Jk : He had been heartbroken and dumped by so many people for multiple times.
And so now his belief on the dating system had totally gone.
Now the only thing that he wants is making someone permanent in his life for forever whoever wants to be with him . 

All :....( got shocked and speechless after hearing the full truth).

We're so sorry guys.
We didn't know that he was going through all of these things!!(Said to the boys)

Loving you is a losing game(LISA X YOONGI X MALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now