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None pov :
Back to home:

Mn just came back to his home while grabbing his clg bag..

Mn was about to rush back to his bedroom when suddenly at the living room,he  met with his mother..

Mns mother came near Mn with a concerned face after seeing a big scars on Mns cheeks.

Mns mother: (concernly cupped on Mns face)
oh god sweetheart??
What happened?
Why is there a marks on your face?

Mn :(only shrugged his head and upsetly replied while leaving the spot)
It's nothing serious mama..
I just accidentally slapped myself to beat a mosquito that was sitting on my face.(lied casually and quietly left the spot)

Mns mom :(got left on the spot in a shook mode)

Fast time skip after the dinner:

Everyone in the Jung family finally finished their dinner. 

And now Mrs. Jung (Mns mom) declared,

Mns mom:  babies.  (Called Mn and Hobi together)
Mr. Min had invited us at their house party tomorrow. .
We've to join that. .
So you guys better cancel all your plans for tomorrow.

Hobi:(happily smiled and replied)
Well I don't have any plans for tomorrow, Mom..

Mns mom: (sweetly replied while looking back at her elder son )
Good then sweetheart..
Now..(looked back at Mn)
What about you my little baby?

Mn : ( replied with a whine )
Mama .
I won't go there. 
I've a plan with my friends tomorrow .

Mns mom: mmmm.
No whine little baby.
You can't be staying busy for tomorrow..
Mr.Mins family  is a good friend of us.
So you better not mess up with it little one.

Mn : ( whined ) b-but Mama. ( Cut off by a stern Hobi )

Hobi : Oy little boy..
Don't whine much..

Mn : ....(immediately paused and nervously listened to his elder brother)

Hobi : Justin keep quiet and do whatever mama is asking you to do..
I don't want any further mess in here.

Mn : ( nervously nodded his head and replied)
O-ok hyung..

Hobi : Good.

Mns mom: Aha sweetheart.!!
Don't talk to your little brother like that..
You see he's still a little.. (softly said to her elder son)

Hobi :(shrugged his shoulder with a mood and then said to his mother)
Oh come on mom.
Your younger son is not that little that I've to babysit him right now. 
He's grown up.
But not as a good boy but as a bratty boy.  (Said darkly while darkly eying back to Mn)

Mn ,:( felt upset and nervously shivered hard)

Mns mom: Ahuh honey. 
Stop now. 
You always scare him .  (Said to Hobi)

Hobi :(only looked away from Mn with a mood)

Mns mom: hm.
Now go back to your room and take rest.
It's already the bedtime now..

Hobi :ok mom. (Got up )

Mns mom: goodnight honey. 

Mn ,:(also sadly got up and said)
Goodnight mama. 

Mns mom : Goodnight love.

Later all just left the spot and went back to their room to sleep..

Loving you is a losing game(LISA X YOONGI X MALE READER)Where stories live. Discover now