C-H-A-P-T-E-R • 1

34 3 1

      ~The beginning of everything~

(this is how they met if your confused-)
ね (ne= hey) have you heard about the rumour's?

You haven't? Well... I'll tell you the most popular one...

It's the seventh of the seven mystery's,
Hanakoーsan of the bathroom, they say, she'll grant your wish, in exchange of something precious from you.

To summon her you have to go to the girls bathroom, knock on the third stall three times and say, "Hanakoーsan, Hanakoーsan, are you there?"

                   _Amane's Pov_

"Wow really?!" I gasped.

"Yeah, but it's just a rumour, I doubt that it's true" Natsuhiko said. (YES IN THIS NATSUHIKO IS AMANES BFF, I CHANGED IT LOL)

RINGGGGGGGGG, the bell rang loudly.

"Come one Amane, let's head to our desks" Natsuhiko suggested.

So, we went to our desk's and sat down.

                    ^After school^

"Amane!!~" My annoying brother came running towards me,clinging on to me.

"What do you want, Tsukasa?" I asked him, clearly pissed.

"I wanna walk home together!!" He said, excitedly.

"Don't we do that everyday? But, you go home first, I have something to do" I said.

Tsukasa whined, but in the end went home alone.

(muahhahahah anyways, in this au amane has a crush on SAKURA :3)

             < In the bathroom >

Ok Amane, your here now, I actually shouldn't really be here.

"Oh god..." I mumbled.

I knocked three times on the third stall.

"Hanakoーsan, Hanakoーsan, are you there?"


"はい(hai) yes) ~"

I gasped, the door opened slowly to reveal nothing inside of it.

I sighed.

"Guess it was just a rumour" I was relieved until I felt something cold touch my shoulder.

"Over here~"

I quickly covered my head in some sort of way to protect myself, I was terrified.

"Aaah! Sorry!" A high pitched voice said, it was a girl, wait, I am in the girls bathroom, uh.

I slowly took my hands off to reveal a girl with a sailor costume, she had cream hair color with teal tips, they were tied into two low pony tails, she also had, swollen ankles, they reminded me of daikons.

"Uuuuh, you ok? You've been staring at me for a while..." She asked worried, I heard a chuckle coming from her.

"Uh, y-yeah!" I got up, I took a closer look at her to see her body was translucent and two orbsbwith heart shapes inside of it floating around her.

"W-wait, are you..." I sweated.

"Hanakoーsan of the bathroom, the seventh of the seven wonders, it's nice meeting you ♥︎" She sat on the toilet, not gonna lie she looked kinda attractive doing that.

Wait, what the hell Amane.

"To be honest it's really brave of you to break the school rules, your so perverted and naughty~" She chuckled with a cheeky grin.

"W-What?! It's nothing like that!" I screamed.

And then I came to realization.

"WAIT, your Hanakoーsan?!" I asked, half screaming.

She nodded.

"There's no way! Wheres your bob cut?! And your red skirt?!" I asked furious.

"Well, everything besides that is true" She said.

"I grant wishes to people, for a price of course, you got a wish right? Don't tell me you came here un prepared..." She added.

I just sighed, but was still nervous I haven't thought of a wish yet, I didn't expect for the rumours to be true.

"Well... Uuuuuh..." I couldn't think straight (Amane you gay?!)

"Uuuuuh, you came here unprepared didn't you?" She sighed.

"Yeah... Hey but don't blame me! I didn't expect the rumour to be true..." I said, half screaming, again.

"Oh well, what's your name? So next time when you DO have a wish you can tell me" she asked.

"Yugi Amane" I replied, I saw her write it down on a small notebook.

"Uh, where did you get that?" I asked.

"You don't need to worry" She assured me.

"Anyways, I think you should get going... It's pretty late, bye Amane!" she said with a small smile.

"Bye" I waved good bye and then walked back home.

✨ Bounded To You ✨ Amanene/Hananene [Discountinued]Where stories live. Discover now