C-H-A-P-T-E-R • 3

26 1 0

Time skip ~ After various attempts
(Im lazy k?)

                 × Amane's Pov ×

"Hanakoーsan!! They all failed!!" I shouted furiously.

"Hehe..." She giggled nervously.

"Hehe? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HEHE?" I shouted once again furiously.

"Take it easy on me, I've never had many friends, so I'm kinda new at this..." She said while floating in mid air.

I just glared at her with a serious look.

"Eeeh..." She backed away and started to glance at the window, it was open.

She ran to the window to take a look at the outside of the school.

I noticed one of her orbs grabbing something.

It was a tiny bag with a seal on top of it it putted 'seal'.

I opened the bag and saw some round shaped things, they looked like cookies.

She turned back to look at me and quickly ran towards me.

"Amane!" She screamed.

I panicked and she made me swallow it... On accident... Of course.

"EEEEEEEEEEK" She squicked.

She started to panic.

"Uh, that was hard to swallow... Anyways what was that?" I asked.

"Well ummm... There mermaid scales, they are also called match making, cause the people who swallow it are both cursed and bonded together!" She said it panicking.

"But... If somebody else doesn't swallow it you..." She added.

I couldn't hear the last part, I was starting to get dizzy and I saw Hanakoーsan panicking more,I looked at my arms and saw that, it was starting to grow... Scales?... After that my vision blacked out.


'Huh? What's this water? Did I die? No it doesn't look like it.

"Phew... Good thing I found the fish tank Hanakoーkun had for me near by..." I heard a high pitched voice say.

"Huh? What happend" I asked.

I then saw a reflection of... A fish? "WAIT I'M A FISH?" I shouted.

"You like it Amane?" She asked.

"NO!" I replied.

"Oh yay you love it!" She said happily.

"Hanakoーsan why am I a fish?" I asked.

"Uuuh, it's the mermaids curse... Haha..." She laughed nervously.

"WHAT? This is all your fault  Hanakoーsan!" I said furiously.

"ごめね(gomene=sorry)..." She apologised.

"Humans are so stupid these days" A creepy woman voice said.

"But don't worry anymore, from now on you'll serve me"

The room turned dark with a creepy aura with it, Hanakoーsan looked concerned.

"So you've comed... Mermaid..." She said with a low voice.

Then a fish with a face or so called 'mermaid' appeared.


"Come here now my new servant" Tye fish said.

"ね(ne), I haven't granted that boy's wish yet, so before you take him, let me atleast grant his wish" Hanakoーsan explained.

"DON'T YOU DARE ORDER ME AROUND" The mermaid kicked Hanakoーsan with her fin.

That looked really painful, I started to panick a lot.

"Well... Then i'll just have to use force too" Hanakoーsan replied,she took out a shovel that was really pointy anf sharped, making it almost a knife, she had a sinister look, her eyes that were magenta turned into a bright red that glowed.

Within a few second sthe mermaid had a huge cut.

She cursed the school mystery and then the tabk was floating.

"Nice catch!" Hanakoーsan said catching the tank.


"Well, she really did come back..." She whispered.

"Huh?" I asked

"Nothing! She's gonna come back, she looks pretty resistent" She replied.

"You mean I'm gonna be her servant?!" I shouted nervously.

"Yeah... Pretty much, but it's nice to have some time still..." She added doing the 👉👈.

"I don't want her to take me away!" I said.

"Well, I can turn you back human... And you could live a half normal life... But, it come's with a price of course~" She said with a smile.

"So... Amane, would you like to turn human?"

"Yes please! Please Hanakoーsan!" I replied.

"Ok then!" She placed the scale on her tongue.

"You'll pay me..."

I gulped.

"With your body~" She swallowed the scale.

I turned back human, the tsnk was in my head.

She leaned closer to me which I backed away.

I started to blush a little.

"Now... You'll be my assistent!" She said sith a smile.

"What?" I said confused.

"What? Were you expecting something nasty Amane? ~ Your such a perv-" I pushed her to the tables before she could finish her sentence.

"Ooooow~ Amane that hurt..." She whined while sitting.

"Wait I can touch you?" I asked.

"Well yeah, we share a bond" She said.

"Be nice with me after all I made one of your wishes true..." She added.

Then she stood and hugged me.

And that's how I met an apparition and was now bonded to her.

✨ Bounded To You ✨ Amanene/Hananene [Discountinued]Where stories live. Discover now