Making A New Friend

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Waddup Wattpad? It's ya boi KayTheToon here! I didn't expect to be back again writing another story so soon tbh but here I am lol. Anyways, this is a story I'm writing about a very VERY RARE ship in Tokyo Revengers, one that people have probably never thought about. You saw the title so i don't think I need to tell you. Honestly I wasn't even planning on writing this, but my best friend(who's also obsessed with TR and even introduced me to it) suddenly brought this idea up out of nowhere and my brain couldn't help but think of an interesting plot about a fic involving these two💀. Plus, I love reading fics involving crack ships of shows I watch, so now it's my turn to actually write one😏. Also forgot to mention, in this fic, Takemichi is already affiliated with Toman and there are no time-leaps. Well, I think I've talked enough. Let's roll into it shall we?


She continuously ran towards the park, ignoring the curious, concerned and confused looks of onlookers watching her as she passed by them.

The hurt she felt was more important than anything around her at this point. She could care less what people were thinking of her.

She ran for as long she could before she reached her destination. The local park.

She slowly walked towards the park's bench and sat down, staring into the ground for a bit with a blank expression.

She stayed that for awhile before the events of today suddenly returned to her mind at full speed.

Her blank expression quickly transitioned into a heartbroken one and she started to sob loudly, putting her face into her hands.

She didn't care if anybody heard or looked at her, she was too heartbroken to pay attention to them.

She continued bawling to herself for a few good minutes.

Why did this have to happen to her? How could things have turned so terrible? All she wanted to do was confess her feelings!

Those were the questions that Emma Sano, sister of the Invincible Mikey, was asking herself as she wept quite loudly.

You might be wondering why exactly the blonde teenage beauty seemed to be wallowing in misery right now?

Welp, there's an answer to that, and in order to find that answer, we must go back to about 20 minutes ago, before this happened and look at the event that crushed her heart....

20 Minutes Earlier...

Today was DEFINITELY not going how Emma had planned it to be.

When she woke up this morning, she decided it was time to woman up and complete her mission.

She was finally going to confess her feelings to her longtime crush, Ken Ryuguji, nicknamed Draken.

The very first time Mikey introduced him to her, she had developed feelings for the boy, and they had stuck with ever since.

Even though she was greatly crushing on him, it almost seemed like the boy in question either had no idea she liked him or he was just purposefully ignoring her feelings.

EmmaMichi: An Unexpected Relationship Where stories live. Discover now