I Can Date Her?!

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The taller teen blinked with a blank expression before responding with a simple, ".... Eh....?"

"Like I said..." Mikey started, "Are you dating my little sister?" He repeated in the same tone as before.

Now, if it were possible to read minds, any person who entered Takemichi's mind could see the gears in his head slowly grinding.

Then, as if he just recently had processed what the Toman leader said, his eyes comically widened, threatening to pop out of their sockets.

"W-W-What did you just ask me?!" He questioned in pure shock with white eyes, with a furious blush threatening to creep on his face.

"Y-Yeah! W-What the heck are you saying Mikey?!" Emma, the other Sano, aided her friend's question, equally taken aback "Why would you even ask th-!"

"Emma." Her older brother swiftly cut her off without turning his gaze, "Don't interfere. This is between me and him." He commanded, pointing towards the one he wanted to speak with.

His command worked, seeing as how it had stunned Emma to the point that she was silent.

"Seriously Mikey, I-I don't know where you got this idea from..." Takemichi stammered nervously with his hands raised, "But I promise you, your sister and I are just friends. NOTHING more...."

"Don't you lie to me..." The shorter teen angrily whispered, getting WAY too close for comfort.

"I-I'M NOT!" The frantically sweating blonde reaffirmed in a panicked tone.

Now even though Mikey was clearly the shorter one out of the two, the way he stared Takemichi down with such intensity made him feel like he was the smaller one in this situation.

Emma couldn't help but feel tense looking at the scenario before her.

Why was Mikey here?

How did he even find out about them hanging out?

And more importantly, who gave him the idea that she and Takemichi were dating?

And why did he seem so pissed about it?

But what she was really praying for in her mind was that her brother wasn't planning on turning her friend into a human pretzel.

Takemichi on the other hand was still sweating bullets.

Why was Mikey so damn adamant on him and Emma being a thing even though he's already told him it's false?

And even if it was true... Which it's definitely not... Why was he so pressed?

Sure, it's his little sister we're talking about, but at the end of the day, it's her decision. She can still make her own choices.

'Dang it... This doesn't look good for me at all...' Takemichi thought with a worried expression, 'I need to hurry up and find a way to convince Mikey that Emma and I aren't a thing before he turns me into a-!'

'Wait a minute....' He mentally interrupted himself when he noticed something about his friend's expression.

'That look in his eyes.... It totally reminds me of when...'

"Hang on a sec." He uttered, the fear he had earlier suddenly vanishing and instead turning into curiosity.

"Are you doing that thing where you act like you're pissed off just for it to turn out that you're actually joking?" The taller teen questioned with a raised eyebrow, bringing his hands down.

EmmaMichi: An Unexpected Relationship Where stories live. Discover now