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This takes place in middle school, Bakugou still bullies Izuku along with his goons.

3rd person

There was shuffling in the living room, Izuku was tending to his wounds as he watched the TV. Watching the news as he wrapped his ankle up with a off white bandage and goss pads as he'd been tripped by a not so subtle someone during school. Izuku let out a large sigh as the front door creaked open, his mother was home. Inko shuffled into the front hall as she closed and locked the front door behind her with keys jangling.

Izuku got up, packing the med kit back up, knowing he would only get a short hello from his mother. Despite it being 2:30 in the morning, he likes staying up to welcome her back home.

It wasn't much of a home, the pair lived in a small apartment that was several payments behind, luckily the landlord was lenient with the mother and her young son. Inko entered the living room on her way to the kitchen, wobbling paper bags in her short arms trying to not let the contents tumble onto the hardwood.

"Hey mom!" Izuku chirped as the med kit clacked shut in his hands.

"Hey sweetie." His mother replied, albeit quietly, dropping the bags onto the kitchen counter.

Izuku smiled slightly and headed to the kitchen, tossing the kit into an already open cabinet on the way. He was used to this kind of treatment anyways, everyday it was a new injury. Everyday he was alone. He liked it this way, his mom had been taking care of him all of his life, alone, he didn't want her to worry even more with the jobs she juggled and the well being of her precious boy. In all honesty, the pair were overwhelmed. He reached into one of the bags as Inko rubbed her eyes with her pointer finger and thumb, there was no conversation between the two as Izuku unloaded groceries, Inko resting before she had to head back out to yet another job.

This was their daily ritual, Inko coming home tired and slow, Izuku helping with whatever she had before she had to leave again in a few minutes. It wasn't the best way to live but it was theirs, the long hours working hard and the short quiet moments of appreciation for the other person.

Soon Inko stood up once again with a groan from her exhaustion, she made her way to the door as Izuku finished folding the paper bags up and stood upon his toes and stretched with the pads of his fingers pushing them into the cabinet above the stained fridge. Izuku watched solemnly as she left again,

"Stay safe mom!" Izuku called out as the door shut. There was silence once again for a moment before he huffed gently, washed his hands in the kitchen sink before wiping them off on his shorts and headed towards his room.

He knew his mom was struggling and he wanted to help however he could, he hated feeling like a burden, it had been burned into his brain by Bakugou that he in fact was useless. Izuku shook his head, clearing the thoughts that clouded around his vision. unceremoniously kicking open his bedroom door, Izuku fell forward onto his old mattress. The bed had fallen apart over a year ago, the mattress frayed in rough patches from constant use and the metal frame crumbled into pieces as rust had taken over and gave way from the weight for the growing boy.

Izuku groaned loudly into his pillow, He knew he couldn't do anything but that didn't stop him from wanting to. Izuku hated feeling helpless. And of course, he had to be born quirkless. The world hated him after all. Izuku let his body sink into the bed as his eyes felt heavy with sleep in the bland routine he had fallen into.


Izuku shot up. That was new. Panic seeped into his skin, making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He shuffled out of bed shaking as the floor creaked under his bare feet. He wanted to call out but when he opened his mouth no noise came out, just desperate gasps of air that felt as if Izuku's heart was in his throat. Tears threatened to flood down his soft cheeks as he reached a hand to the door and grasped the handle, pushing it open. Izuku froze as the door was opened half way,

There was someone in the hall.

Words: 765

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