𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞..

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Panic was an understatement in this situation, no Izuku was fucking terrified. A tall figure stood in the hallway just a few feet from the front door, that was now wide open to the frigid night air. Izuku couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman due to the lanky appearance but he could tell by their stance, they were strong.

He had seen it all too often with heroes, the broad powerful shoulders that hid being thin fabric rippling with each punch, and he could see it. This person, no, thing was strong, and it could fight.

Izuku, no longer frozen in fear, slammed the door to his room shut. He didn't mean to do that, now that thing knew he was here. Izuku began to breathe heavily, stumbling back from the door, clambering over his dirty clothes he kept forgetting to pick up. Scarily light footsteps crept closer from down the hall, they were coming.

Scrambling to hide behind his mess of a bed, Izuku flung his blanket over his head while dropping like a stone behind the mattress, hoping to look like a pile of clothes just like the rest of his room. The door creaked ever so slightly open, a raspy breath evident from the intruder.

Izuku froze, once again, too scared that he'd shift too much from his place under the sheets. He knew this was stupid the moment the steps continued into the room. Of course it was stupid, a small child would hide like this! Not someone like him, He's 13 for Christ's sake! Not that he believed in Christ, or any gods for that matter. They didn't help him so why should he believe them?

The footsteps stopped...

They weren't close, Why did they stop? Izuku's mind was racing a mile a minute, who the hell is this and where are they? Why are they here?! A floorboard creaked under the weight of the foreigner, just before his closet door slammed open, and a loud creak and snap sounding from the hinges. The door, toppling to the ground from the force, a grunt was heard for the invader, seemingly upset.

Wait... they checked the closet. Izuku would have been done for if he had even thought of hiding there. There wasn't much in there anyways, just some ratty clothes and his notebooks. Oh god his notebooks. Whoever was here didn't seem to know the importance of the notebooks so it was clear, they weren't here for a personal reason. At least not for Izuku.

The footsteps continued, lightly stomping over the piles of discarded clothes and worksheets. Izuku let out a whimper as the steps neared the door, having them cease their motion.

Izuku was beyond scared, now they knew he was there, but nothing came. Despite this, no footsteps followed after, no raspy breaths lingering in the stale air of his room, just nothing. But that's what scared him more, they didn't leave. Carefully, after what felt like hours, Izuku snaked out from under his blanket, his skin meeting the cool air of the room after being stuffed under the comfort of warmth, right into something hard.

Wait a minute, his desk isn't that close, it should be- that wasn't his desk. It couldn't be, why? Well,

Because it had hair.

Word count: 557

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