Just another mild day

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"Dudes! I know what I'm doing, I'm the hero!", Alfred, the American, exclaimed with utmost enthusiasm.

"How about this, China take all. You can go home now," Yao, the Chinese male, stated bluntly with dry humour.

"Everyone knows I'm the most beautiful," Francis, the French guy, gloated with a sly smirk.

"No one asked you, cheesy-monkey!", Arthur, the British gentleman, screeched at Francis.

"Shut up, black sheep of Europe!", Francis yelled back.

"I told you not to call me that!"

"I know my ideas are the best because otherwise I kill them," Ivan, the Russian, smiled.

"Um... I personally think that...," Matthew, the Canadian, trailed off quietly, no one heard him and he was drowned out by the others'.

"My movies are amazing dude," Alfred laughed, "Nothing beats Superman!"

"We also have top-notch productions in the U.K!", Arthur added.
"Time traveling phone booths can only go so far, Angleterre~", Francis snickered.

"Listen, Pepé Lé Pew, just because you invented movie-making doesn't mean you're Amy good at it! All your movies are good for is putting me to sleep!", Arthur snapped.

All the while, Lilith sat watching them quietly. This was a pretty mild day, considering how bad it could be... usually it's a lot worse than this. She sighed slightly, at least they were being quiet this time. She was currently in a meeting room with the Allies, she had been dragged to the meeting by Alfred, who insisted she came again.

Arthur, who'd noticed Lilith's quiet demeanor, approached her. He was a gentleman when it came to her.

"Hey, Lilly, are you okay?", he asked her gently.

"Yeah. You guys are loud though," she replied softly, her head laying in her arms. Arthur turned on his heel and pointed at Francis.

"You hear her, frog? Be quiet."

"She was not talking about me!"

They started to argue... again.

"Yo, Lilly, I'll be your hero, watch! Everyone, shut up!", Alfred shouted.

"Aiyah, Lil-ya, are you okay?", Yao questioned looking into her eyes with concern. Lilith nodded her head, and Ivan then took notice of her irritated look.

"Is the little sunflower upset? I'll use the magic pipe of pain on everyone who makes you feel that way," Ivan gently cooed, while everyone gave a terrified glare at him.

"You guys, I'm fine," Lilith simply stated.

"See? I told you she wasn't mad, Angleterre!", Francis yelled at Arthur.

"Shut up, bloody frog!", Arthur retorted.

"I hate all of you, aru.... except Lil-ya," Yao muttered.

"Become one with mother Russia, da?", Ivan asked Yao.

"No!", Yao yelped.

"You guys are all my back up side-kicks!", Alfred laughed loudly.

...Yep... This was a mild day with the Allies, the idiotic bunch of six men whom Lilith called her friends. She, honestly, didn't mind it... so long as at the end they gave her asprin and food.

Mild Day With The AlliesWhere stories live. Discover now