• Dating them includes •

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- playing video games with him 24/7
- You can rely on him for any help with anything you need. He's extremely supportive of whatever it is you want to do
- Given that hes never been in a relationship before he’ll likely be nervous and doubtful at first
- you always have to stop him from scratching his neck
- "Touch her/him/them, You're dead."
- once he starts warming up to you he starts becoming touch starved
- trying to help him with his skincare
- he never lets you leave his side without being supervised
- dealing with his mood swings
- overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects


- always needing to reasurring him
- He is very soft and gentle with you whenever he hugs you
- gives you his jacket when you're cold
- late night phone calls? yes you guys could stay up all night talking about the most random things
- him venting to you like your his therapist
- whenever you guys go on dates twice always comes along and third wheels (this happens from time to time)
- tries to cook for you. But ends up almost burning down the place
- hand holding
- endlessly teases you
- him teasing you has become a everyday thing pretty much
- Dab's nervous about telling you he loves you, because he's never had a relationship like yours (a serious relationship)


- always buys you gifts
- will send you good night and morning texts
- Your always there to comfort him when he is feeling insecure
- trespasing into buildings
- sharing cigarettes
- being besties with toga
- sharing food/drinks
- he will call you randomly like 2 in the morning just to say he loves you
- he loves being around you even if you dont talk he'll be happy to just be near you
- hugs and cuddles everyday
- everytime you guys walk alongside eachother he always throws his arm over your shoulder

Mr. Compress:

- calls you sweetie
- smiles alot around you
- you sometimes catch him staring at you and you often ask "what?" in a distracted way because youll probably be focusing on something else
and he will just say "I'm so lucky to have you"
- then you start blushing like: (/// ̄  ̄///)
- "you're my sun, my moon, my stars"
- he also makes sure your comfortable before going to bed like "water, snack anything?"
- flirts with you a lot, but if it makes you feel uncomfortable, he'll stop and apologize
- forehead kisses


- Kurogiri probably wouldn't have been in a relationship with anyone until you came into his life since he was either reserved or didn't have time for relationships
- shigaraki teases you about your guys realationship
- drinking tea together
- cooking together
- He is shy around you -- most of the time
- going on night walks with him
- him always wanting to be around you


- him being shy about your guys relationship
- he prefers to have dates at home such as (japanese) board games, an at home spa date, binge watching shows (and eating popcorn), cooking a fancy meal
- as long as you two are hanging out together and having fun (he thinks) its a date
- not a big fan of PDA
- hes not really used to being in a relationship but he trys his best
- no one is allowed to flirt with you
- whoever flirts with you > instantly dead
- trying to teach him how to cook
- trys to spend time with you as much as he can
- him always being stressed
- "I'd destroy the world for you."


- shy kisses
- he was shy around you at first but warmed up
- he will protect you even if his life was on the line, he just cherish's you too much to lose you
- he also loves being near you
- hes pretty much clingy but would never admit it
- he rests his head on your shoulder when hes tired
- the other shie hassaikai members teasing him 24/7
- lets you play with his hair
- cooks for you and cleans your room
- hes your personal maid (n˘v˘•)¬
- he sometimes orders you around which you find annoying
- but you always let it slide


Hello. How are you.

(probably won't be posting for a while.
I also have school tommorow...)

Anyways, hope you have a good night/morning.
And remeber to eat and drink water.

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