Chapter 2: Trespassers

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The two figures known as Adam and King were currently walking through the woods. The two had been wandering around for a little over two weeks at this point. Neither one of them being any closer to finding any form of society. "Think we should start looking for some more pinecones? I don't think we're going to find a city today either," Adam said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Yeah," King said as he looked at the male next to him and they had begun to split up and look for whatever pieces of food they could find. Most of which consisted of pinecones. And while most of this world was strange and new, they were happy that there were still some things that they were able to recognize. However, most of what they saw was still new and strange to them, so they avoided eating a lot of things fearing they may be poisoned otherwise.

As they looked around trying to find whatever they could eat they began to hear some rustling by them. "Did you hear that?" King asked as he looked at Adam causing him to nod. The two without saying a word then began to walk closer to the sound that they had heard. When they did, they saw two men dressed in some rather strange clothes.

The two seemed to be wearing the exact same outfit, a tight black piece of armor that covered their chest but left their mid-drift exposed, with a rather festive looking scarf that hung down on both sides being decorated with jewels, baggy pants, and a pair of boots that went over their pants. "I was sure that I heard someone over here," one of the men said as he looked around.

"It's no big deal, everyone makes mistakes," The other said as they began to walk away. When they did Adam and King both began to slowly move away and once, they thought they were out of earshot they looked at each other.

"What do you think?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"I don't know, they had matching uniforms so maybe they're guards?" Adam asked as he looked at the male next to him.

"Maybe, it did seem to be an outfit. Everything about it seemed to be the same. So, what do you say? Want to try our luck?" King asked as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Well, they are the first people we've seen since we got here. Even if they don't take us to a town, they can at least point us in the right direction," Adam said as he looked at the male in front of him.

"Yeah, alright well let's go after them," King said as he began to walk in the direction the two had gone earlier. As he did Adam followed behind him as they continued to move closer and closer to the two men from before. And when the two eventually came into sight King smiled and called out to the two of them. "Hey!" King said as he moved closer to them. When he did the two stopped and began to look around. "Hey, over here!" King said as he moved closer to them.

As he did the two took a defensive stance with one summoning a fireball in front of his hand, and the other channeling some lightning above his hand with some small chains being shot at the ground every so often. "Who are you and what do you want?!" one of the men said as he looked at the two in front of him. When he said this both Adam and King put their hands up in a nonthreatening manner.

"Woah, take it easy. We're just a bit lost, and we were wondering if you could tell us where the nearest town was?" Adam asked as he looked at the two in front of him.

"Lost? Well then for your information you're currently wandering through the tranquil forest. And you're unusually close to our college," one of the men said as his fireball began to burn a bit more intensely even starting to crackle and shoot off some embers into the air.

"Alright, look we didn't know. We're not from here. Just tell us where to go and we'll leave," Adam said as he looked at the two in front of him. The four figures were silent for a moment neither one of them saying anything before one of them eventually spoke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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