I Don't want this.

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"I love you", his voice was gentle in her ears and full of meaning. He truly did mean it, wich seemed so strange and so new because for as long as Tessa could remember words were something that was being toyed with. Just thrown around like a dull empty shell and no one ever seemed to wonder what was inside because the boarder was beautiful enough.

Tessa staggered back, her legs feeling weak under her. The world was spinning around like a blurred memory, a memory she would relive and replay in her head for days to come.

"Y-you don't mean that."
Tessa could taste her own fear bitter and cold at the back of her  throat. The cool night air biting at her bare arms and legs, making her uncomfortable. Now more than ever she wanted to get away. To climb into clothes that would cover everything up even her dawning fear and cowardess.

A quick flare of pain passed the boy's face but was fastly replaced by a sweet calm smile- a smile that Tessa hated so much because it held nothing but kindness- and he spoke again. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"
That's when something inside Tessa snapped. It was something Tessa had imagined as a rope as thin as thread that she had balanced on in the center but never made a move to walk. Not forward nor backward, as soon as movement was made the rope would snap and she would fall down into the black gaping hole beneath that haunted her fears. That rope was a fine line love that she did not want to walk again and the gaping hole beneath was heartbreak and pain.

The blue sky that shone above was life without love or pain, that was what she consintrated on for a while now.

Lukas standing in front of her and confessing his feelings was the definition of the rope snapping.
"I-I don't want t-this" Tessa said her voice a begging in its self. Now hurt bloomed in Lucas' face, unwavering pain. His dark brown eyes grew in shock, behind them there lay the one emotion Tesse never wanted to cause him- heartbreak. Before Lucas could get a word out Tessa had turned on her heel, disappearing into the empty street.

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