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Angel White
Miami FL📍


"What you saying?" I asked nardo as we sat infront of my house. "I'm saying we need time apart.." He spoke.

My heart dropped I didn't expect him to say that.. I thought he loved me..

"Why though" I asked as my voice cracked.

"Because angel fool you crazy ... you done trapped me and shit you need some time to yourself just think about some shit for yourself don't even say I don't want kids with you because I do just not like them you got problems you need to figure out"He responded.

"B-but you don't have to leave me you said you loved me nardo!" I spoke crying making him look at me before chuckling a little . "... stop that".

I looked at him before punching him in his face several time, I just felt played as of right now like why would you do me like this..

"Chill chill chill" He spoke grabbing my hands. "No why are you doing me like this" I cried .

"Go in the house bro" He spoke rubbing his face. "I got you ... I promise I do you gone see!" I spoke before getting out slamming the door.

Wiping my face I walked inside slamming my room door, I was hurt my feelings was definitely hurt I know me not knowing how to handle my emotions was gone be hell .

I looked around my house before going inside of my kitchen grabbing a lunch able, I had a doctors appointment today confirming my pregnancy which I was one month.

I wasn't even happy about it anymore honestly.

Everybody who claim they love me let me down, always leaving my side when it's most important I've never had a stable relationship with anybody in life.

Maybe I'm the problem..

I feel like I caused problems in everyone's life and I hated it, everybody leaves my side never sticks with me.

This what my nana meant when she said this eventually is going to fall back on me I knew it too I was just being stupid at the time.

Wanted love wanted a family from someone who wasn't ready for a family.

Sighing I looked through my gallery looking at the pictures of us making me smile, I loved him he
made me happy something that nobody else could like him..... I would hate to see him with somebody else .

Meaning... I would hate to have kill the girl..

Stopping at our sex tape I chuckled to myself before smirking.


Italy white
Jacksonville FL📍


Looking around the room I laid my head down on the hospital's pillow. "You straight?" Dula questioned making me nod.

I ended up having to leave work because I started spotting, dula came to get me now I was here .

"Hi ms.white! So... good news and bad news" The doctor frowned making me look up . "Bad news let me know now" I shrugged.

"Unfortunately there were some complications causing a miscarriage I am so sorry honey.. if they were anything we could do I promise we would" She spoke.

I felt my heart shatter at that moment..

"What.." I spoke with a cracked voice. "Nawl run more test" Dula spoke

Not my baby... my main motivation, I was doing everything for her I had her name.. clothes.. room set up and more.

My heart is shattered .

"Isn't it too late for me to miscarry?" I questioned. "Honey no but we can run a few more test..."

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