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The rest of that night was purely spent staring up at your bedroom ceiling, counting how many of the faded glow-in-the-dark stickers there were as you tried to ignore all the current stressors in your life, such as having to take care of Sans' little issue, Cherry's unknown plan, and the new additions to the skeleton brother's family.

Rolling over onto your side with a stressed-out groan, you huffed as you held one of your many pillows in your arms, debating whether or not to just go completely off the grid, go somewhere where no one would find you just to get away from all the current stressors in your life. Though, with your survival skills, you would most likely head back home the moment you got hungry.

Glancing over at your phone, you stared blankly at the last message Blue had sent you, a message you still hadn't responded to even though it was around 11 pm. Should you even meet up? Maybe he was just trying to get onto your good side just to make fun of you or tell you how much of a horrible person you are just from what that devil of a woman has said about you. Maybe this really was all Cherry's plan? Or... maybe this was all just your paranoia coming at you all at once because you're alone in a dark room in the middle of the night in an old apartment.

Sitting up from your bed with a quiet groan of your thoughts taking over, legs crossed and your pillow now resting in your lap, you hesitantly took your phone, the bright screen hurting your eyes a tad as you thought of how to reply.

Sorry for getting back so late
I'd be down to hang out tomorrow
What time do you wanna meet up?

You stared at the screen for another ten seconds before finally switching off your phone, it was the dead of night, why would he even be up to answer? Maybe he would just call off the whole thing. Though, that thought was immediately washed away at the ding you heard from your device.

Hey!! No worries :)
Maybe around 10?
Does that work for you?

Well, that surprised you... for an energetic skeleton like him, you thought he would be passed out right now since his personality was very similar to this universe's Papyrus, maybe all the little skeletons had their own quirks? Opening up your phone once again, you replied.

Yeah that's fine with me

Your fingers hovered over the screen of your keyboard, wondering if you should even send a goodnight message to someone you had only talked to once and was an alternate version of your old friend. Though, it really couldn't hurt, right?

G'night Blue
See ya tomorrow

Strangely enough, there was no response after that, just a mere notification saying: BLUE liked your message. It felt unusually ominous but you weren't one to question strange skeletons that popped into your universe a few days ago.

With your mind running itself in circles, you let out a tired groan as you rubbed your eyes tiredly, plugging in your phone for it to charge throughout the night, setting up a couple of alarms, and double-checking to see if the ringer was on before shutting off your phone and setting it down in its usual spot on your bedside table. Stretching your arms above your head, your eyelids began to fall as if there was a heavy weight on them, the silence of the room lulling you to sleep.

*  *  *

Waking up that next morning, you found yourself completely tangled up in your own blankets and your annoying alarm blasting at you to get up. With a huff and eventually being able to reach over to your phone to check if you had any new messages, you were graced with two messages from Blue from around 5:00 am.

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