chapter one

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"Let's just wait and see if a neighbor comes out so we can ask them about it."Veronica said as her twin brother, Miguel, sighed in frustration.

A door knob jangled and soon enough, a blonde white man stepped out with trash bags.

"Hey, I'm Miguel. My family and I just moved into 109!" Miguel said in a cheery tone as Veronica mentally cringed.

"Great. More immigrants."He replied loud enough for them to hear and Veronica furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Actually, we're from Riverside, you redne-"She responded only for Miguel to interrupt her.

"-But anyways, we were just wondering if you were having trouble with the water pressure, cause I know our sink's being a little weird right now and-"

"Bottles go in the blue, dude!"Veronica exclaimed as the trash bag falls into the wrong bin.

"Listen Menudo and Pozole, I've lived in this shit hole for over ten years. The pipes don't work, the fountain is full of piss, and the only good thing is that I don't have to talk to anybody so, nice knowing you."He said and Veronica bit her lip to hold back an offensive comment.

The twins looked at each other awkwardly.

"Okay, well... Have a nice day!"Miguel said and Veronica scoffed silently,

"I guess."

Johnny proceeded to speed out of the parking lot of the apartments leaving Veronica to laugh.

"You're so pathetic."She says and Miguel rolls his eyes.

"I'd rather not have you ruin ever single interaction because of something someone says."Miguel huffed nudging her as they made their way back inside.

* * *

"You get the Pepto, I'll get some chips so we can watch a movie."Veronica said to which Miguel nodded.

"Look, Miggy. Your favorite redneck is here."She snickered leaving Miguel to playfully roll his eyes as they both entered the mini mart.

Miguel walks past Johnny to ask the cashier where the Pepto is. Veronica walks towards snack aisle, finally deciding to grab a bag of Lays, she began making her way back to the cashier next to Johnny and Miguel.

"He said you have a tiny..."Miguel says making a motion with his fingers and Veronica chuckled.

"He said I have a tiny wang?"Johnny lowly asked staring at the cashier who looked unbothered.

"Tell him he has a tiny wang."He huffed.

"I speak English, asshole."The cashier retorted, "Oh really?"Johnny responded. Veronica and Miguel watched as the white man threw his money and left the mini mart angrily.

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