sassy sixteen-year-old from Compton, California, who comes from a long line of Loui- siana conjure women. She is the only one in her lineage born with brown eyes and a caul. Her grandmother appropriately named her "Jayd," which is also the name her grand- mother took on in her days as a voodoo queen in New Orleans. She lives with her grand- parents, four uncles, and her cousin Jay. Jayd is in all AP classes and visits her mother on the weekend. She has a tense relationship with her father, whom she sees occasionally, and has never-ending drama in her life, whether at school or home.Mama/Lynn Mae
When Jayd gets in over her head, her grand- mother, Mama, is always there to help her. A full-time conjure woman with magical green eyes and a long list of both clients and haters, Mama also serves as Jayd's teacher, confi- dante, and protector.Mom/Lynn Marie
At thirty-something years old, Lynn Marie would never be mistaken for a mother of a teenager. Jayd's mom is definitely all that and with her green eyes, she keeps the men guess- ing. Able to talk to Jayd telepathically, Lynn Marie is always there when Jayd needs her.