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                   The year is 2420 and the world's governments are in shambles and while chaos scatters further & further the collective leaders of the remaining world governments gather to come up with a plan to settle things. As leaders enter through a scrutinous security process that scans them from head to toe, from their cases to even through the simplest of documents, as eyes gather from the most peaceful to the most deceptive of masks.

The UN conference room and it's uneasy atmosphere, many leaders who govern territories that have been long taken, and many of the most corrupt have a front seat and the most influence among them.

As the represenative for the now frail country of Israel takes seat many leaders that neighbor his seat side eye him with emotions varying from hostility to sympathy, Speaker Ethan V Amiity is the son of the President Amiity of the remaining government of Israel who not only fights terrorist groups vying for control of israel but as well as supressing the hidden attacks of Palenstine and Saudi Arabia, because of this he stands alone as many of the remaining world leaders do not want to even show support for the surviving rule and the Prince of Saudi Arabia had made sure of that, because of this he would have to speak louder, as the gavel slams down silencing the echoes that go through the hall, the speaker introduces the council that will introduce the plan of action, in the hologram slide it shows the many territories that have been taken over, from Germany,Mexico,Brazil, and even Iraq, and when Speaker Ithali of India mentions the situation in Israel Ethan could feel eyes all on him, as he was asked, "Speaker Amiity may you please present your plan of action?"

"as you know there lies 2 groups who vye for control, Mulin Von who has control of Germany as well.." upon the mention of Germany the former Chancellor Merkel XXII gives a subtle death glare upon him, "...So far our plan right now is to weaken their supply of weapons as our Intelligence agency have confirmed their connection to a company that has been based in the border of Iraq and Saudi Arabia..." He was cut off by the Arabian Prince who protests "there is no such company providing aid to them, this is simply a ruse!" many of the other speakers do not dare defy him as many look wary and even some of his supporters such as Vladimir XV and Kim XXXIII look at the bullied speaker who interjects again thus incurring a slight reaction from Vladimir who's glare invokes uneasiness in speaker Merkel, "enough! Speaker Muthar please allow him to continue." this made him angry like a spoiled brat not getting their way and what was known that he will retaliate in some form and Ethan will have to prepare for what he will incur later. As the conference continued they discussed plans of sending troops to Brazil in the amazon river as they were fed info that one of the targeted groups Omra have built a "weak" presence there.

"8 billion dollars invested and yet they cant keep their meetings secured." said a man spying on them with his tech crew where 3 people monitor the meeting with holograms as they mark and circle certain people of interest,

"Show a hands in favor of this course of action." said the speaker, as many vote for assaulting their base of operation in the area, "alright its decided, Argentina you will send troops to weaken their forces

"Are you hearing that? they are gonna plan on attacking our decoy" he said,

"just as we wanted, send the info to the strike team Peth. Liao signing out" he said as the other 2 sit around in a dimly lit room only alit by the glow in their horned necklaces, "so they took the bait.." said the one with the horned necklace with the blue core that shines with the sincerity of the sky, "seems so Nivaethr." said Liao who's hornes necklaced is adorned with a dark blue core that glows as strongly as the coat of arms of a soldier, "They have yet to truely sad. They still are at war with each other." said a woman who's horned necklace is adorned with a purple core that as elegant as the royalty of the past, "As it has been Cyndi, their group is as flawed as it has been." said Nivaethr,

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