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Hope POV

It was the next day and I didn't wake up to josette as I thought I would.

I just woke up in a empty bed.

I looked up to see if Josie was there and she was no where to be found.

I wonder how everything went with amaia, and Lizzie and my aunts.

I threw the bed off of me. I had on my white tee and dark red and light red pj pants on.

I opened the door to go find Josette.

I went to amaia room to see if Josette was there visiting Lizzie after last night.

I knocked at the door.

"Hey hope" Lizzie says as she opened the door.

"Have you seen your sister?" I asked

"Not all this morning why?" Lizzie asked

"I was just looking for her" I said

"Okay... well I will let you know when I find her" Lizzie says

"Actually I have seen her" amaia says from inside the room.

"Where ?" I asked

"She's with Penelope in the cafe downstairs, I seen them talking about something I don't know what but Penny seemed too happy for my liking" amaia says

"Thank you" I said

I begin to walk off but Lizzie grabbed my hand.

"Let us come with you" Lizzie says

I looked at her hand and she dropped it.

"Sure I guess" I said before Amaia and her decided to walk with me

Justin POV

I wanted to die so bad right now. My mom couldn't come to family day because she was busy with work and my father- well, I didn't want him to come. He would only come for my suppose to be half brother... he doesn't even really care about us..

Speaking of that flop... I wonder where he is.. I haven't seen him every since Maya left and I would say I'm glad but there's always a reason behind shit like this.

"I think you should come see this" Jack says as he walked into our room

"What's going on?" I asked as I jumped up

"Penelope is trying to make her move on Josie and Hope is not having it" Jack says before he ran out of the room.

Oh brother. This can't be good.

I ran out to the cafe because I heard yelling coming from there.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Hope asked Penelope.

"I'm just having a drink with a friend" Penelope says

"Sure, Josette.. can I talk with you" Hope says

"Sure thing." Josie says

The soon to be couple walked away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" Brittany says before she slapped the back of Penelope's head

"Don't touch me" Penelope says before she got all up in Brittany face.

"Okay that's enough" I said

"No way, Justin shut the fuck up... I love gay fights" Jack says as he ate his popcorn

"Shut the fuck up and help" I said

College sweetheart: eternal loveWhere stories live. Discover now