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Requested by DistraughtFrosting and moonstomper

Ultraline is a comic me, my sister, and my friend are thinking on making

it involves many of our characters, ships, and some canon characters

So far here are the names of the characters(I would post thier desgins but nah 🍰🍰🍰)

The trolls are in blood order. Some have their classpects and/or their ancestor/pre-scratch self /post-scratch self

Father - Jacobs Dad

Beta kids
Jacob - Heir of Breath, Great Uncle J
Thomas -  Daddy Tom
Virginia -
Yvonne - 

Alpha kids
Clarice - Granny
Austin - Pop
Amie - Mother
Ryan - Grandfather RyRy

Skyblood - (no name) - The blessed

Candy Yellow - Selslo- Knight of Blood, The Axemen

Papayablood - Sinrii - Knight of Light, The Resistant

Barris -
Tylada - 
Tekpya - Theif of Heart, The Apostle
Maruna -
Exypon - The Berserk
Mefist -
Rutiun - Prince of Space, The Soldier
Polefa - Sylth of blood, The Spearist Aíma
Jamsey - Rouge of Rage, The Mindless
Cafeen -
Feilio - The
Correa - Rouge of Time, The Collector
Tarior -  The presumptuous, Jiffy

Possibly in the comic?
Dannie - Davekat kid
Tinner - Erisol kid
Jessie - Jussie kid
Loofie - Meowrails kid
Gavin - Gamtav kid
Kris - PumpkinPodcast kid

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