Chapter 5

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It was already eight at night when Irene made it to the Bae House to fetch Jinwoo. She already informed Ji-hyun of this beforehand, but the air in the living room remained somber when she arrived.

Noticing her return, Min-jung hurriedly approached Irene. "Have you seen your sister? She's still not back yet! I'm worried sick!"

"Why would I know where she is?" She showed puzzlement.

She did see Suzy today, but why should she explain herself to her? She could not be bothered to report anything to Min-jung.

Ji-hyun saw that Irene was home and quickly inquired after her wellbeing, which earned him his wife's pointed stare. She looked at Irene once more. She was reminded of her daughter who had yet to return home, and immediately exploded in anger.

"Ji-hyun, what a good father you are! You are so concerned for this wild straw, yet you don't even ask about your daughter who isn't home yet!"

Hearing this, he turned livid. "Who did you say is a wild straw?! I'm also worried that Suzy isn't home yet. What are you on about?!"

The two started arguing back and forth. Irene, who was unwilling to get involved in their fight, calmly headed to her room. However, she was stopped midway by Min-jung's bellow, "Stop right there!"

Irene looked over her shoulder and asked in a lukewarm manner, "May I help you?"

Min-jung noticed the exquisite paper bag in her hand. Armani! Years of frequenting the shopping malls, she naturally knew of this international brand. She almost pierced it with her stare!

How did Irene get a hold of such an expensive item?

"Where did you get that from?"

"Why do you care?"

After she asked that, Irene faced forward and continued walking to her room without a backward glance. Min-jung's head nearly burst in anger. That wild b*tch was becoming more and more disrespectful to her nowadays!

Hmph! What Armani? It must be a cheap imitation of the real thing!

It suddenly poured that night. Irene then decided to sleep over at the Bae House and went to bed early with Jinwoo.

At midnight, streaks of lightning and roars of thunder started accompanying the unexpected downpour outside.

Since Suzy was still not home by then, the worried couple decided to file a 'missing person' report at the police station.

The two were about to rush to the station when they were alerted to a strange noise beyond the door. They hurried over and found Suzy leaning on the door in a vain manner. They did not know how long she had been standing outside for her hair was soaking wet, her clothes was disheveled, and her face was strangely flushed.

"Mom..." she tremblingly called out. She sounded as if she had experienced a huge chagrin. A trail of clear tears rolled down her cheeks thereafter.

Min-jung felt as if a knife had pierced her heart. "What happened? Suzy... come in first!"

Suzy was helped into the living room. She rested her weight against the chair weakly. Pearl-like tears rolled down her face unabatedly.

Min-jung looked at her daughter, heartbroken. With a tense expression, she inquired, "Suzy, what happened to you? Tell me who bullied you?"

Suzy continued sobbing in tears but remained unforthcoming.

Now, she absolutely regretted it! Ji Chang-wook appeared to be a dignified gentleman, but he was actually a beast in disguise – a beast among beasts!

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